⭐My "Special" Experiences⭐
Alternative Energy, Pilot, Health and Wellness Education, International Living and Travel

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My Special Experiences: Alternative Energy, Pilot, Health and Wellness Education, International Living and Travel.
Hans R. Bieri

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💥My “Alternative Energy” Experience💥

Hydraulic Energy Experience 1974-1975

Co Owner Neucalora Heat Pump 1979-1988

Gründungsmitglied SSES 1974

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Solar Race Cars with Biral Motor 1985-1988

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💥My “Pilot” Experience💥

IFR PILOT Switzerland, USA 1968-1980

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💥My “Health Education” Experience💥

Macrobiotics Japanes in BOSTON 1976-1977

Assistant Omnisana Bern 1981 - 1996

"Amtsärztliche Prüfung" 1985

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HERBALIFE Seminars, Education 1984-2000

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💥My “International” Experience💥

My Places I lived for over one Year during my Lifetime

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All my Places I lived for over one year during my whole life. They all left a Big Impression on me!
Hans R. Bieri

Countries I visited during my Lifetime

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