💥 Caribbean Storms💥
have maximum sustained surface winds ranging from 39-73 mph

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Tropical Storms that form in the Caribbean or North American region are known as hurricanes. Those that form in the Far East, close to places like China and Japan are known as typhoons and those that form in the Indian Ocean are called cyclones.
💥Caribbean Storms💥

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Hurricanes begin to form near the tropics, in the Caribbean or in the waters around the Cape Verdean islands of West Africa. Relatively warm surface water evaporates rapidly and then condenses in the atmosphere to form clouds. Moist air rises to saturation and a weather system known as a tropical depression forms.

⭐National Hurrican Center: Actual Storm Situation

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Save Time and get quickly NOTIFIIED so you may Take Action!!!

⭐Information Caribbean LIfe

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Physiographically, the blessed Caribbean region is mainly a chain of islands surrounding the Caribbean Sea. To the north, the region is bordered by the Gulf of Mexico, the Straits of Florida and the Northern Atlantic Ocean, which lies to the east and northeast. To the south lies the coastline of the continent of South America.

⭐NO Hurricanes in Cabarete⭐

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No Hurricanes on the Northcoast of the Dominican Republic

⭐PALACE-iConsulting : Info Cabarete

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The famous Cabarete Beach is in the Province of Puerto Plata , on the beautiful Northcoast of the 🇩🇴Dominican Republic🇩🇴 a Caribbean Paradise


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We assist individuals und corporations who desire to live, to invest and conduct business International, in the Dominican Republic, Florida and Switzerland.