Wish you a Great Week
😄 Putting on a smile every morning and telling yourself that you will have a good week 😄

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Te deseo una Gran Semana



Putting on a smile every morning and telling yourself that you will have a good Week can have a positive effect on your mood. It doesn’t just boost your energy, but it also helps you eliminate stress and undesired negative emotions.

Why Do You Need to Say, “Have a Great Week?”

Just like “have a good day”. This means the person telling you this is wishing you to enjoy all the days, during the next week. He/she may or may not meet or contact you, the following week. This is one way of wishing you to enjoy the following week.

"Have a Great Week" Quotes & Sayings

hree things you shouldn’t lose this week; your faith, your courage, and your smile. Happy new week.
As we start a new week, may you stay positive and committed to your goals! I wish you a wonderful week ahead.
When the week begins, think of how you will end it. When the week ends, think of how you did begin it. Start your week with joy. Smile at the storms in the week and though they might be so strong, be stronger than ever. Know who your are; be who you are. Know what you want; live for what you want. Focus on the mission and don’t lose focus of the vision. Enjoy a great week!
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
t takes a week to write a book, but it takes years to write a good one!
M.F. Moonzajer
A week is a long time in the life of a child.
Maxwell Grantly
May this week bring you open doors in your life endeavours and lead you to greater success. Wishing you a special week ahead.


Greatfulness, Gratitude is a thankful appreciation for what an individual receives, whether tangible or intangible.

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The Secret of Happiness is Gratefulness

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Giving thanks can literally make you feel much better.

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