⭐ Customer Loyality ⭐
⭐ about ⭐ Ensuring ⭐International ⭐Customer ⭐Satisfaction ⭐

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A business runs as long as it has customers & clients and it becomes successful when its customers & clients repeatedly come back.

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⭐ Customer & Client Satisfaction

An organization’s main focus must be to satisfy its customers. This applies to industrial firms, retail and wholesale businesses, government bodies, service companies, nonprofit organizations, and every subgroup within an organization.
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⭐ Definition Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is defined as a measurement that determines how happy customers are with a company’s products, services, and capabilities. Customer satisfaction information, including surveys and ratings, can help a company determine how to best improve or changes its products and services.
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Customer satisfaction is defined as a measurement that determines how happy customers are with a company’s products, services, and capabilities. Customer satisfaction information, including surveys and ratings, can help a company determine how to best improve or changes its products and services.
An organization’s main focus must be to satisfy its customers. This applies to industrial firms, retail and wholesale businesses, government bodies, service companies, nonprofit organizations, and every subgroup within an organization.

⭐ Tips for achieving Customer Satisfaction

A business runs as long as it has customers and it becomes successful when its customers repeatedly come back. Companies seek to increase their revenue by managing the customer asset and so they recognize the long-term value of both potential and current customers.
Once customers are acquired, regardless of the product
or service the companies sell to them, the customers will not stay loyal unless they are treated properly before, during and after a sale.
As every customer is unique, sometimes it can become difficult to satisfy all of them. However, there are several activities that businesses can perform which work mostly for every customer group.

⭐ Communicating with the customers:

Regular interaction with your customers is a must in today’s business world. If they feel that you are communicating with them openly, they will also believe that their relationship with your company is one of mutual trust.

⭐ Well-trained and Empowered employees:

well-trained and competent for the job required so they can easily solve any unexpected problem that might arise. Empower them to make decisions while they perform their activities and use their creativity. The customer should never feel the need to talk to a superior.

⭐ Prompt Service:

We live in speed century, and almost nobody has time today. The customer expects a prompt service, therefore when asking for service help; he should never have to make a second call. Emphasize quality and set internal deadlines for accomplishing tasks timely and efficiently as a standard service. Ensure that these standards are well understood by the employees and promoted to customers.

⭐there is only one boss, and that is the customer:

It is worth to know that it takes much more revenue and concentration to acquire a new customer then it takes to keep an existing one. Remember that approximately 7 out of 10 customers who have complaint will return back to you if their complaint is resolved on the spot. In fact, people who are very satisfied with the product, will become a positive “word of mouth proponents”.

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⭐ Group the customers properly and treat them accordingly:

The Pareto principle states that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes. Other names for this principle are the 80/20 rule, the law of the vital few.

When applied to business field, Pareto Principle (80/20) says that it is very often that a small proportion of your customer base which is represented by 20% generate 80% of your sales and profits. Knowing in which group each customer falls, allows you to make a clear distinction between who needs what. Make sure that you focus on the other 80% of the customer and surprise them by offering them extra benefits and services. In the end, it is not about ‘’satisfying’’ the customer, but ‘’amazing’’ him.

⭐ Ensure that your customers are well informed about your value proposition:

When the customer has made a purchase, let him know about the whole package of services that comes with the sale. Let him know about what you can offer him after the purchase, instead of letting him come back and ask for support.

⭐ Encourage complaints:

Research shows that 95% of dissatisfied customers won’t complaint, but this also means that they will never do business with you again. A regular email or a feedback form, asking for customers feedback will give a chance for them to complaint, in which case you can also email them back with a resolution of the complaint. Many restaurants take feedback, but I don’t see any of them sending a message to the customer that the feedback has been received and that the restaurant will act on it.

⭐ Conduct customer satisfaction surveys regularly:

One way of finding out what your customers like or dislike is through conducting surveys. Customer satisfaction surveys help you to confirm whether you are doing your job properly. It also helps you in discovering flaws in your process. It is one of the fastest ways to improve your product/service as per the expectations of your customers.

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⭐ International Customer & Client Satisfaction

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⭐ Common Challenges of International Client Care

⭐ Language Barriers

Common Challenges of International Client Care
When engaging in international business, it’s important to consider the languages spoken in the countries to which you’re looking to expand.
Does your product messaging translate well into another language? Consider hiring an interpreter and consulting a native speaker and resident of each country.

⭐ Cultural Differences

Just as each country has its own makeup of languages, each also has its own specific culture or blend of cultures. Culture consists of the holidays, arts, traditions, foods, and social norms followed by a specific group of people. It’s important and enriching to learn about the cultures of countries where you’ll be doing business.
When managing teams in offices abroad, selling products to an international retailer or potential client, or running an overseas production facility, demonstrating that you’ve taken the time to understand their cultures can project the respect and emotional Intelligence
necessary to conduct business successfully.
One example of a cultural difference between the United States and Spain is the hours of a typical workday. In the United States, working hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., often extending earlier or later. In Spain, however, working hours are typically 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 to 8 p.m. The break in the middle of the workday allows for a siesta, which is a rest taken after lunch in many Mediterranean and
European countries.

⭐ Managing Global Teams

Another challenge of international business is managing employees who live all over the world. When trying to function as a team, it can be difficult to account for language barriers, cultural differences, time zones, and varying levels of technology access and reliance.
To build and maintain a strong working
relationship with your global team, facilitate regular check-ins, preferably using a video conferencing platform so you can interact in real time.

⭐ Information about Globalization

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⭐ Information about International Matters

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⭐ International Business

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International Consulting and Coaching

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We assist individuals und corporations who desire to live, to invest and conduct business International, in the Dominican Republic, Florida and Switzerland.

One way of finding out what your customers like or dislike is through conducting surveys. Customer satisfaction surveys help you to confirm whether you are doing your job properly. It also helps you in discovering flaws in your process. It is one of the fastest ways to improve your product/service as per the expectations of your customers.