💥Cabarete Winds💥
Cabarete is the Windsport Mecca of the Caribbean

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Cabarete - Wind is where it’s at if you have a passion for the Wind Sports that put Cabarete on the map in the late 80’s

💥Cabarete is the Wind and Watersport Mecca of the Caribbean💥

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💥Famous Cabarete Winds

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💥No Hurricanes in Cabarete

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No Hurricanes on the Northcoast of the Dominican Republic

💥When Is It Windy in Cabarete?

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It’s pretty much always windy here in Cabarete! January-April: 14-24 knots May-August: 16-30 knots September-December: 10-20 knots

💥It’s pretty much always windy here in Cabarete!

The 💥Trade Winds, the 💥Coral Reef, and the💥 Mountains in the Background
come together to create a 💥unique and perfect Thermal Effect which is a formula for strong and consistent winds.

Additionally, the wind blows easterly, blessing Cabarete with a side-onshore wind direction.

And to top it all off, the
💥 Water Temperature is always about 26°C (79°F), which means, even in the winter, you can get in the water without a wetsuit.

The wind mainly blows from the east meaning its cross-onshore. This means it’s always 💥easy to get back to the beach.


The protecting reef is located roughly 600m offshore and offers fun peeling waves for wave riding.
On the inside, the water is flatter offering perfect conditions for
freestyle, slalom and just cruising.
With stronger winds and larger swells, it does get choppier on the inside.


For the most part, especially in summer, there is little to no shore break in Cabarete Bay making it easy to get in and out. Especially with the gently sloping sandy beach in front of our condos, so you won’t need water shoes.


The Caribbean Climate is gloriously sunny with even warmth all year round!
It is moderated by prevailing
Trade Winds.
Extreme weather in the
Cabarete remains something of a rarity. Year round we are blessed with an average of 28°C and our water temperature following close behind at 26°C. So you can leave the thick neoprene at home.


As we previously mentioned, summer is the windiest season. We still have good wind in the winter but it is not as strong. For over 30 years, Cabarete has offered the perfect playground to watersports fanatics from all corners of the globe.


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Cabarete - Beach is where it’s at if you have a passion for the sport that put Cabarete on the map in the late 80’s

💥Breath the Healthy Ocean Air

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Proper Breathing Healthy Air Brings Better Health, Stress reduction, insomnia prevention, emotion control, improved attention — certain breathing techniques can make life better. Breathing exercises can reduce stress, improve mood, and help you feel energized.

⭐Cabarete has "World Class Watersports"

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⭐Cabarete has Winds for "World Class Watersports"

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The famous Cabarete Beach is in the Province of Puerto Plata , on the beautiful Northcoast of the 🇩🇴Dominican Republic🇩🇴 a Caribbean Paradise

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