⭐Info Mentoring⭐
Mentoring involves a more informal and voluntary relationship

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Mentorship: Usually involves a more informal and voluntary relationship, where the mentor shares their experiences and wisdom with the mentee.

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Information Mentoring

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⭐What is Mentoring?

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Effective mentors often act as role models and sounding boards for their mentee and provide guidance to help them reach their goals. Mentoring can be formal or informal. In an informal environment, mentees set goals, but they are usually not measurable and the relationships are unstructured. For a formal mentoring relationship, there are actionable and measurable goals defined and set with determined requirements. Mentoring is not coaching and not counseling. Mentoring relationships are based upon advice giving and direction while coaching is not. Counseling is a paid-relationship.

⭐Importance of Mentoring

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Establishing a mentorship relationship can provide mentees with immense advantages, such as new knowledge, expanded networks and the ability to advance their career. Having a mentor is more than just setting and achieving goals; it's about having someone in your corner who can provide valuable feedback, encouragement and support to help you grow both professionally and personally.


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