HansBieri . com

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Thank you for your interest

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Contact Information, InformaciĆ³n de contacto , Kontaktinformationen

Email: hrbic1@gmail.com
1-809 819 7470


My Core Family

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My Professional Background

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My Places I lived for over one Year during my Lifetime

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My Best Friends Forever

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My "Unique" Events

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A Unique Experience for me is an experience which left a Big Impression on me, thus creates a feeling of excitement, curiosity, interest, contentment and makes the experience memorable, event , adventure , exploit , episode, encounter , occurrence , incident.
Hans R. Bieri

My Gratefulness

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I am Grateful for Having a Priviledged Life.
Hans R. Bieri

My Company

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We assist individuals und corporations who desire to live, to invest and conduct business International, in the Dominican Republic, Florida and Switzerland.