💥Covid-19 Vaccination💥
💥 Get vaccinated right away as soon as the Vaccine is available! 💥

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the benefits of immunization are seen to overwhelmingly outweigh the potential risks. While there are some people who may need to avoid certain vaccines due to underlying health conditions, the vast majority can do so safely.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

There is a wealth of research demonstrating the efficacy and safety of vaccines—including how some have virtually eradicated infectious diseases that once killed millions.
With so much conflicting information being publicized, it can be a challenge to discern what is true and what is not. Therefore, it is important to learn the facts before making health decisions.
The impact of anti-vaccination claims has been profound. For example, it has led to a resurgence of
measles in the United States and Europe.
Of the vaccines recommended by the CDC, the benefits of
immunization are seen to overwhelmingly outweigh the potential risks. While there are some people who may need to avoid certain vaccines due to underlying health conditions, the vast majority can do so safely.


A) Get vaccinated immediately when available!

Situation Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic info Vaccination against COVID-19
> Actualized Vaccination Plan

Situation Florida

Florida info Vaccination against COVID-19
> Actualized Vaccination Plan

Situation Switzerland

Switzerland info Mass Vaccination against COVID-19 in May
> Actualized Vaccination Plan

B) In The meantime use all the other Covid-19 Defenses!

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In the meantime: properly wash your hands, avoid crowds and take steps to boost your immune system in case you actually come in contact with the virus so the body can effectively fight back!

💥 Take Care of Yourself

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Self-Care means taking the time to do things that help you live well and improve both your physical health and mental health

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The goal is to ensures short and long term vitality & health and to get a physical body that is strong, flexible and fit through each stage of our lifes.