Africa is the Future
Africa is the Future, but STABILITY is dependent on SECURITY, the condition necessary for economic prosperity and stronger institutions. Without it, none of the other pieces can be put into place.
A more Resilient Africa
The U.S. seeks to deepen its partnerships in Africa, to make African countries more resilient and more self-sufficient.
The U.S. seeks to deepen its partnerships in Africa, to make African countries “more resilient and more self-sufficient,” Tillerson said. “Creating a stable future for all of our children and grandchildren” serves our partners, and it serves the United States.
But stability is dependent on security, the condition necessary for economic prosperity and stronger institutions. “Without it, none of the other pieces can be put into place.”
On trade, Tillerson noted that the African Growth and Opportunity Act has been a cornerstone of U.S.-African policy. “The United States is eager to reduce barriers to trade and investment with our African partners,” he said, “helping African countries transition from dependency toward self-sufficiency, growing their middle class and better integrating African economies with the rest of the world.”
But stability is dependent on security, the condition necessary for economic prosperity and stronger institutions. “Without it, none of the other pieces can be put into place.”
On trade, Tillerson noted that the African Growth and Opportunity Act has been a cornerstone of U.S.-African policy. “The United States is eager to reduce barriers to trade and investment with our African partners,” he said, “helping African countries transition from dependency toward self-sufficiency, growing their middle class and better integrating African economies with the rest of the world.”
The African Union's Agenda 2063 and the United Nations 2030
In order to advance towards achieving these objectives, Africans must go beyond extrapolating past trends and looking into paths taken by other regions of the world.
The African Union's Agenda 2063 and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development set up our common goals and vision for Africa. In order to advance towards achieving these objectives, Africans must go beyond extrapolating past trends and looking into paths taken by other regions of the world. In this context, UNESCO and the OCP Foundation signed an agreement, in October 2017, to implement an innovative project untitled “Imagining Africa’s Futures (IAF)”.
The objective of IAF is to coordinate a reflection on the future of Africa and to strengthen the continent's foresight capacity. In particular, the new discipline of Futures Literacy serves as a tool to significantly enhance the capacity to conceive and to use the future. While becoming “futures literate”, people start understanding how they refer to different kinds of futures in the present world as different forms of anticipation. They also acquire the capability to “use these futures” to deploy tools and methodologies to work on particular challenges. “Collective Intelligence Knowledge Creation” is a very powerful instrument for FL, especially through the so-called Futures Literacy Laboratories (FLL).
The objective of IAF is to coordinate a reflection on the future of Africa and to strengthen the continent's foresight capacity. In particular, the new discipline of Futures Literacy serves as a tool to significantly enhance the capacity to conceive and to use the future. While becoming “futures literate”, people start understanding how they refer to different kinds of futures in the present world as different forms of anticipation. They also acquire the capability to “use these futures” to deploy tools and methodologies to work on particular challenges. “Collective Intelligence Knowledge Creation” is a very powerful instrument for FL, especially through the so-called Futures Literacy Laboratories (FLL).
IAFβs implementation strategy focuses on three types of actions
IAF is a UNESCO intersectorial project carried out by the Africa Department - Sector for Priority Africa and External Relations (Contextual Analysis and Foresight Unit) and the Social and Human Sciences Sector.
1- The creation of two FL Centers in Africa.These Centers will develop research and training programmes in FL, engage different types of communities and serve as regional hubs for FL practitioners in Africa and beyond.
2- The organization of FLL in different regions in Africa. These will contribute to the establishment of a set of communities of good practices for further development of FL throughout Africa.
3- The production of new visions to illuminate specific local, national or regional challenges in Africa. Topics may include agriculture, rural and urban challenges, biodiversity, fragility and resilience, youth, gender equity, science, technology & innovation (STI), tertiary education and technical & vocational training, intercultural dialogue, access to information through Internet & mobile revolution, and many more.
2- The organization of FLL in different regions in Africa. These will contribute to the establishment of a set of communities of good practices for further development of FL throughout Africa.
3- The production of new visions to illuminate specific local, national or regional challenges in Africa. Topics may include agriculture, rural and urban challenges, biodiversity, fragility and resilience, youth, gender equity, science, technology & innovation (STI), tertiary education and technical & vocational training, intercultural dialogue, access to information through Internet & mobile revolution, and many more.
African Music
The "African Music" is a highly rhythmic music. ... The complex rhythmic patterns often involving one rhythm played against another to create a polyrhythm. The most common polyrhythm plays three beats on top of two, like a triplet played against straight notes.
DANCE - RISE - SHINE: Masaka Kids Africana Project
OUR VISION : To empower children, mobilise communities and build futures.
Masaka Kids Africana
International means between or involving different countries.
It is facilitated by the Globalization Phenomenon, which increasingly erases the constraints
of geography on economic, social and cultural arrangements.
Globalization Information & Discussion
Globalization is the connection of different parts of the world resulting in the expansion of international cultural, economic, and political activities. It is the process by which businesses and other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an International Scale.
Solidarity International
International Solidarity goes beyond national borders. Ensuring long lasting prosperity, stability and above all, peace requires effective coordination in the international realm based on democracy, mutual respect and human rights.
International Peace
Inner-Peace and World-Peace are not simply things you just can turn on; they are not things you just can decide to organize and then do it.
International Consulting and Coaching
We assist individuals und corporations who desire to live, to invest and conduct business International, in the Dominican Republic, Florida and Switzerland.