⭐Defend Democracy⭐
Threats to Democracy are all around us. We've all been complicit in a steady, devastating Erosion

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Threats to democracy are all around us We've all been complicit in a steady, devastating erosion of the central ideals of liberal democracy.
⭐Defend Democracy⭐

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Threats to democracy are all around us We've all been complicit in a steady, devastating erosion of the central ideals of liberal democracy.
⭐Swiss Direct Democracy⭐

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Direct democracy is one of the special features of the Swiss political system. It allows the electorate to express their opinion on decisions taken by the Swiss Parliament and to propose amendments to the Federal Constitution. It is underpinned by two instruments: initiatives and referendums.
⭐Defence against Bureaucracy⭐

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Bureaucracy is Inefficient, not actually effective at doing what it sets out to do. It’s not a rational way to organize.  Employees in a bureaucracy have well-defined tasks. Since they’re assessed on performance of those tasks, innovations is just wasted effort with no reward.
⭐Defence against Dictatorship⭐

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Threats to democracy are all around us We've all been complicit in a steady, devastating erosion of the central ideals of liberal democracy.

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IEducation is the Dam which stops the River of Ignorance!
⭐Defend Freedom⭐

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⭐International Consulting and Coaching

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We assist individuals und corporations who desire to live, to invest and conduct business International, in the Dominican Republic, Florida and Switzerland.