💥Info Dictatorship💥
💥Threats to Democracy are all around us. We've all been complicit in a steady Erosion💥

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Threats to democracy are all around us We've all been complicit in a steady, devastating erosion of the central ideals of liberal democracy.
💥Current World Dictators💥

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There are currently 49 dictatorships and authoritarian regime in the world (21 in Africa, 18 in Asia, 7 in the Middle East, 1 in Europe and 2 in Americas). We define a dictator as the ruler of a land rated “Not Free” by the Freedom House in their annual survey of freedom.
💥Current Dictatorship Countries💥

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A dictatorship is a type of government in which a single person—the dictator—or party has absolute power. This means that the ruler or party has complete control. The rights of the people are typically suppressed in a dictatorship, sometimes to a great degree. Dictators are usually backed (especially financially) by groups of powerful people. Typically, dictators rise to power when a nation faces significant social issues, such as strong economic crises or unrest among the nation's people.

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Defend Democracy

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Threats to democracy are all around us We've all been complicit in a steady, devastating erosion of the central ideals of liberal democracy.
Defend Freedom

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⭐International Consulting and Coaching

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We assist individuals und corporations who desire to live, to invest and conduct business International, in the Dominican Republic, Florida and Switzerland.