⭐ Sustainable Farming ⭐
the activity or business of growing crops and raising livestock

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Sustainable agriculture is farming in sustainable ways meeting society's present food and textile needs, without compromising the ability for current or future generations to meet their needs. It can be based on an understanding of ecosystem services.

💚Info Sustainable Farming💚

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Agriculture plays a key role within our food chain. It faces political, environmental, logistical and economical challenges today, tomorrow and in the future too. At the moment, according to the UN, over 800 million people worldwide are underfed. Our world faces a rapid growing population, doubling the demand for food in the coming 20 years. Making Agriculture more and more sustainable is key in all challenges that we are facing. There are no short term solutions. This is a challenge that Agrifac was, is and continues to be involved in; continuously developing solutions to combat this obstacle.
💚Info Sustainability💚

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As populations have increased and we have relied on the Earth's natural resources—such as minerals, petroleum, coal, gas, and more—the Earth's biodiversity and creatures, from birds to insects to mammals, have declined in number.

💚Eden Park💚

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Being outside in Nature, Enjoying and being Inspitred, Breathing Healthy Fresh Air, Living your Passion, Nature Based Activities like Tree Planting, Gardening, Harvesting, Walking around, Sun expose for Vitamin D and much more...

⭐Great Nature

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I declare this world is so beautiful that I can hardly believe it exists. The sky, the mountains, the trees, the animals, give us a delight in and for themselves.

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