⭐ Great Trees ⭐
💥 Trees and Forests are good for our physical and mental wellbeing 💥

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Trees are important for us. Trees provide shade and protection from the sun; they provide wood for fire and material with which to build. We also know that they are essential for taking in carbon dioxide and releasing the needed oxygen for us and many of the creatures living on Earth. We love to walk in forests, and trees make us feel good.

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The thickest tree in the world has a circumference of 137.8 feet (42 m). It takes 105 men, shoulder-to-shoulder, to surround it. Over 60,000 species of trees have been identified worldwide. There are an estimated 3 trillion of them across the globe, which works out to about 400 or so trees for each person. Trees have evolved in many fascinating ways, so keep reading to discover 30 terrific facts about trees!

⭐Health Benefits of Trees and Forests

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A growing body of research points to the fact that Trees and Forests are good for our physical and mental wellbeing.

A growing body of research points to the fact that trees and nature are good for our mental wellbeing and recommends walking in forests to boost overall health, including for reducing stress, increasing energy levels and improving sleep.

More recent research revealed that spending time around grass and trees
reduces symptoms in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and numerous studies have also documented a positive correlation between green space and kids’ performances in school. Trees may even help to combat crime: one study found that a 10% increase in tree cover was associated with a 12% reduction in crime in Baltimore.
Forest bathing is now a medical prescription in Japan!

“So many things that lead to physical and mental wellbeing issues can be significantly reduced by spending time in a forested environment,” says Kathy Willis, a professor of biodiversity at the University of Oxford.
Forests cover nearly a third of all land on Earth, providing vital organic infrastructure for some of the planet's densest, most diverse collections of life. They support countless species, including our own, yet we often seem oblivious of that. Humans now clear millions of acres from natural forests every year, especially in the tropics, letting deforestation threaten some of Earth's most valuable ecosystems.

⭐Old Trees

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We all know trees can live really long lives. It’s no surprise that they typically live longer than humans and perhaps most everything else on the planet. Trees can live anywhere from less than 100 years to more than a few thousand years depending on the species.

⭐The World without Trees, it would be unimaginable?

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If trees disappeared overnight, so would much of the planet’s biodiversity. Habitat loss is already the primary driver of extinction worldwide, so the destruction of all remaining forests would be “catastrophic” for plants, animals and more, there would be massive extinctions of all groups of organisms, both locally and globally.
The Earth without trees, it would be unimaginable? But the barrenness of a world without trees is not the only reason for concern. For instance, One of the most dangerous and unsettling effects of deforestation is the loss of animal and plant species due to their loss of habitat; not only do we lose those known to us, but also those unknown, potentially an even greater loss.“Seventy percent of Earth’s land animals and plants live in forests, and many cannot survive the deforestation that destroys their homes. The trees of the rainforest that provide shelter for some species also provide the canopy that regulates the temperature, a necessity for many others. Its removal through deforestation would allow a more drastic temperature variation from day to night, much like a desert, which could prove fatal for current inhabitants.

⭐ facebook group " Big Tree Seekers "

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This facebook group is dedicated to discovering the largest trees of each species around the world. Many of the largest trees remain undiscovered and it is our goal to bring forward many new champion trees.
facebook group

⭐Intelligent Trees in the Forests

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Trees have feelings, emotions, memory and can talk to each other. They have intelligence, maybe even a soul…

⭐WWW = Wood Wide Web

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Information how Wood Wide Web help trees talk to each other.

VIDEO Wood Wide Web

⭐Info Planting Trees

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Much of the deforestation has happened in recent years. Since the onset of the industrial era, forests have declined by 32%. Especially in the tropics, many of the world’s remaining three trillion trees are falling fast, with about 15 billion cut each year, the Nature study states.

⭐Info Olive Trees

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After many months being cared for, olive trees give back all the love in the form of olives. Well into the fall, the harvest begins of the fruit of the olive tree, a strong tree allowing many intelligent procedures that enhance the production of olives and hence of olive oil.

⭐Hug a Tree

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Trees have feelings, emotions, memory and can talk to each other. They have intelligence, maybe even a soul…

⭐Meaning & Significance of Christmas Tree

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There are many things that are essential in decorating spaces for Christmas, and one such element is the Christmas Tree. What did you ever ask question, what does the Christmas Tree symbolize?

⭐What is LIFE actally

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Any organism that is said to breathe and feel with its senses is said to be alive. Plants, animals, organisms, and humans are endowed with this concept of life. Hence there is said to be life on earth.

⭐Information about Plants

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A plant is a living thing that grows in the earth and has a stem, leaves, and roots. ... When someone plants land with a particular type of plant or crop, they put plants, seeds, or young trees into the land to grow them there.

⭐Beautiful Nature

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I declare this world is so beautiful that I can hardly believe it exists. The sky, the mountains, the trees, the animals, give us a delight in and for themselves.


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As populations have increased and we have relied on the Earth's natural resources—such as minerals, petroleum, coal, gas, and more—the Earth's biodiversity and creatures, from birds to insects to mammals, have declined in number.


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Climate change is a long-term change in the average weather patterns that have come to define Earth’s local, regional and global climates.

⭐Great Nature

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Nature can help decrease your anxiety levels and can help lessen stress and feelings of anger. Exercise can also help this, but it's even better when you're outside. Regular access to green spaces has been linked to lower risks of depression and improved concentration and attention

⭐Life on Earth

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Life is defined as any system capable of performing functions such as eating, metabolizing, excreting, breathing, moving, growing, reproducing, and responding to external stimuli, the period between birth and death, or the experience or state of being alive.

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