Being able to communicate effectively is perhaps the most important of all life skills. It is what enables us to pass information to other people, and to understand what is said to us.

Definition of Communication
Communication is the act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange information or to express your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone else.
Types of Communication
Verbal Communication

When we speak, we are communicating much more than just the content of our words.
We are also using pitch and tone, as well as the level of formality we use to convey important subtext to the person we are speaking with.
By carefully choosing how we use each of these aspects, we can be sure that our message is received exactly as intended.
Of course, content is the most important part of verbal communication.
What we say, and the words we choose to use, are crucial.
We are also using pitch and tone, as well as the level of formality we use to convey important subtext to the person we are speaking with.
By carefully choosing how we use each of these aspects, we can be sure that our message is received exactly as intended.
Of course, content is the most important part of verbal communication.
What we say, and the words we choose to use, are crucial.
Non-Verbal Communication

Most people do not have perfect control over their facial expressions - we all have heard an unprofessional comment and raised our eyebrows in response, regardless of whether or not it was wise to do so.
Facial expressions:
We often use facial expressions as a way to communicate that we are listening and engaged with the person speaking.
A smile, furrowed eyebrows, or a quizzical expression all convey information to the speaker about how you are responding to their conversation.
How you position yourself during a conversation is important.
Gestures and physical touch:
A gentle touch on the arm can signal encouragement, while an overly strong handshake can be an act of dominance.
Eye contact:
We all know the importance of eye contact.
When someone is unable to maintain eye contact, we take this to mean that they are being untruthful, shifty, or not paying attention.
Being able to maintain eye contact while listening will ensure that the speaker knows that you are present and engaged.
While speaking, it shows that you are connecting with the listener, and in cases where you are delivering unpleasant news, is doubly important.
Facial expressions:
We often use facial expressions as a way to communicate that we are listening and engaged with the person speaking.
A smile, furrowed eyebrows, or a quizzical expression all convey information to the speaker about how you are responding to their conversation.
How you position yourself during a conversation is important.
Gestures and physical touch:
A gentle touch on the arm can signal encouragement, while an overly strong handshake can be an act of dominance.
Eye contact:
We all know the importance of eye contact.
When someone is unable to maintain eye contact, we take this to mean that they are being untruthful, shifty, or not paying attention.
Being able to maintain eye contact while listening will ensure that the speaker knows that you are present and engaged.
While speaking, it shows that you are connecting with the listener, and in cases where you are delivering unpleasant news, is doubly important.
Written Communication

Effective communication by writing is a massively important skill, especially as more people are working remotely and keep in touch throughout the workday through Skype, Slack, or other digital mediums.
From a Slack message to an email to a customer to a new employee’s training guide, we write every day and it is crucial that we understand how to do so effectively.
From a Slack message to an email to a customer to a new employee’s training guide, we write every day and it is crucial that we understand how to do so effectively.
Visual Communication

Visual has become the most used type of communication, driven by social media, YouTube, and other platforms of the digital era.
As more and more people and organizations use these channels of communication, the more we are used to, and even dependent upon, using visual communication to stand out in a crowded platform.
There are many ways that visual communication, like charts, photographs, sketches, video, graphs, and even emojis and GIFs, can help improve the understanding of your message.
We rely on visuals to elevate our understanding of complex ideas.
As more and more people and organizations use these channels of communication, the more we are used to, and even dependent upon, using visual communication to stand out in a crowded platform.
There are many ways that visual communication, like charts, photographs, sketches, video, graphs, and even emojis and GIFs, can help improve the understanding of your message.
We rely on visuals to elevate our understanding of complex ideas.
Importance of Communication in Daily Life
Communication Is Integral To Human Life.
Communication is deeply intertwined with the human existence. It is an integral part of it.
One cannot think of human life without communication. Can you imagine what would happen if you are not allowed to talk for a long time? You would feel suffocated.
n personal life, we need to communicate to deal with various concerns and problems of daily life. Communication is a process that is dynamic, continuous, and irreversible but at the same time, it is reciprocal in nature. It is an ongoing process.
Communication helps us to understand others.
Communication helps form a powerful bond among people and makes us social beings.
n personal life, we need to communicate to deal with various concerns and problems of daily life. Communication is a process that is dynamic, continuous, and irreversible but at the same time, it is reciprocal in nature. It is an ongoing process.
Communication helps us to understand others.
Communication helps form a powerful bond among people and makes us social beings.
Importance of Communication for Business
Communication is basic to an organization’s existence from birth of the organization; when communication stops, organized activity ceases to exist.
Importance of the concept of communication in management cannot be overemphasized. It is an established fact that one of the foundation stones upon which organization rests is a system of communication.
It is the life-blood of every business organization. Especially in today’s globalized market economy, effective communication is vital to the success and survival of any organization.
Effective communication is needed for growth and development of any organization.
Improving communication skills improves the chances for success of a business. Effective communication brings progress and prosperity to it.
It is the life-blood of every business organization. Especially in today’s globalized market economy, effective communication is vital to the success and survival of any organization.
Effective communication is needed for growth and development of any organization.
Improving communication skills improves the chances for success of a business. Effective communication brings progress and prosperity to it.

Being a good listener is one of the best ways to be a good communicator. If you're not a good listener, it's going to be hard to comprehend what you're being asked to do.
Through active listening, you can better understand what the other person is trying to say, and can respond appropriately.
Nonverbal Communication
Your body language, eye contact, hand gestures, and tone of voice all color the message you are trying to convey.
A relaxed, open stance (arms open, legs relaxed), and a friendly tone will make you appear approachable and will encourage others to speak openly with you.
Eye contact is also important; you want to look the person in the eye to demonstrate that you are focused on them and the conversation. (However, be sure not to stare at the person, which can make him or her uncomfortable.)
Also, pay attention to other people’s nonverbal signals while you are talking. Often, nonverbal cues convey how a person is really feeling. For example, if the person is not looking you in the eye, he or she might be uncomfortable or hiding the truth.
Clarity and Concision
Good verbal communication means saying just enough—don’t talk too much or too little. Try to convey your message in as few words as possible. Say what you want clearly and directly, whether you're speaking to someone in person, on the phone, or via email. If you ramble on, your listener will either tune you out or will be unsure of exactly what you want.
Think about what you want to say before you say it. This will help you to avoid talking excessively or confusing your audience.
Through a friendly tone, a personal question, or simply a smile, you will encourage your co-workers to engage in open and honest communication with you.
This is important in both face-to-face and written communication. When you can, personalize your emails to co-workers and/or employees – a quick "I hope you all had a good weekend" at the start of an email can personalize a message and make the recipient feel more appreciated.
It is important to be confident in your interactions with others. Confidence shows that you believe in what you’re saying and will follow through.
Exuding confidence can be as simple as making eye contact or using a firm but friendly tone. Avoid making statements sound like questions. Of course, be careful not to sound arrogant or aggressive. Be sure you are always listening to and empathizing with the other person.
Using phrases as simple as "I understand where you are coming from" demonstrate that you have been listening to the other person and respect their opinions. Active listening can help you tune in to what your conversational partner is thinking and feeling, which will, in turn, make it easier to display empathy.
Even when you disagree, it is important for you to understand and respect their point of view.
A good communicator should enter into any conversation with a flexible, open mind. Be open to listening to and understanding the other person's point of view, rather than simply getting your message across.
By being willing to enter into a dialogue, even with people with whom you disagree, you will be able to have more honest, productive conversations.
People will be more open to communicating with you if you convey respect for them and their ideas. Simple actions like using a person's name, making eye contact, and actively listening when a person speaks will make the person feel appreciated. On the phone, avoid distractions and stay focused on the conversation.
Convey respect through email by taking the time to edit your message. If you send a sloppily written, confusing email, the recipient will think that you do not respect her enough to think through your communication with her.
Being able to give and receive feedback appropriately is an important communication skill. Managers and supervisors should continuously look for ways to provide employees with constructive feedback, be it through email, phone calls, or weekly status updates.
Giving feedback involves giving praise as well – something as simple as saying "good job" or "thanks for taking care of that" to an employee can greatly increase motivation.
Similarly, you should be able to accept and even encourage feedback from others. Listen to the feedback you are given, ask clarifying questions if you are unsure of the issue, and make efforts to implement the feedback.
Picking the Right Medium
An important communication skill is to simply know what form of communication to use. For example, some serious conversations (layoffs, resignation, changes in salary, etc.) are almost always best done in person.
You should also think about the person with whom you wish to speak. If they are a very busy person (such as your boss, perhaps), you might want to convey your message through email. People will appreciate your thoughtful means of communication and will be more likely to respond positively to you.
Being a good listener is one of the best ways to be a good communicator. If you're not a good listener, it's going to be hard to comprehend what you're being asked to do.
Through active listening, you can better understand what the other person is trying to say, and can respond appropriately.
Nonverbal Communication
Your body language, eye contact, hand gestures, and tone of voice all color the message you are trying to convey.
A relaxed, open stance (arms open, legs relaxed), and a friendly tone will make you appear approachable and will encourage others to speak openly with you.
Eye contact is also important; you want to look the person in the eye to demonstrate that you are focused on them and the conversation. (However, be sure not to stare at the person, which can make him or her uncomfortable.)
Also, pay attention to other people’s nonverbal signals while you are talking. Often, nonverbal cues convey how a person is really feeling. For example, if the person is not looking you in the eye, he or she might be uncomfortable or hiding the truth.
Clarity and Concision
Good verbal communication means saying just enough—don’t talk too much or too little. Try to convey your message in as few words as possible. Say what you want clearly and directly, whether you're speaking to someone in person, on the phone, or via email. If you ramble on, your listener will either tune you out or will be unsure of exactly what you want.
Think about what you want to say before you say it. This will help you to avoid talking excessively or confusing your audience.
Through a friendly tone, a personal question, or simply a smile, you will encourage your co-workers to engage in open and honest communication with you.
This is important in both face-to-face and written communication. When you can, personalize your emails to co-workers and/or employees – a quick "I hope you all had a good weekend" at the start of an email can personalize a message and make the recipient feel more appreciated.
It is important to be confident in your interactions with others. Confidence shows that you believe in what you’re saying and will follow through.
Exuding confidence can be as simple as making eye contact or using a firm but friendly tone. Avoid making statements sound like questions. Of course, be careful not to sound arrogant or aggressive. Be sure you are always listening to and empathizing with the other person.
Using phrases as simple as "I understand where you are coming from" demonstrate that you have been listening to the other person and respect their opinions. Active listening can help you tune in to what your conversational partner is thinking and feeling, which will, in turn, make it easier to display empathy.
Even when you disagree, it is important for you to understand and respect their point of view.
A good communicator should enter into any conversation with a flexible, open mind. Be open to listening to and understanding the other person's point of view, rather than simply getting your message across.
By being willing to enter into a dialogue, even with people with whom you disagree, you will be able to have more honest, productive conversations.
People will be more open to communicating with you if you convey respect for them and their ideas. Simple actions like using a person's name, making eye contact, and actively listening when a person speaks will make the person feel appreciated. On the phone, avoid distractions and stay focused on the conversation.
Convey respect through email by taking the time to edit your message. If you send a sloppily written, confusing email, the recipient will think that you do not respect her enough to think through your communication with her.
Being able to give and receive feedback appropriately is an important communication skill. Managers and supervisors should continuously look for ways to provide employees with constructive feedback, be it through email, phone calls, or weekly status updates.
Giving feedback involves giving praise as well – something as simple as saying "good job" or "thanks for taking care of that" to an employee can greatly increase motivation.
Similarly, you should be able to accept and even encourage feedback from others. Listen to the feedback you are given, ask clarifying questions if you are unsure of the issue, and make efforts to implement the feedback.
Picking the Right Medium
An important communication skill is to simply know what form of communication to use. For example, some serious conversations (layoffs, resignation, changes in salary, etc.) are almost always best done in person.
You should also think about the person with whom you wish to speak. If they are a very busy person (such as your boss, perhaps), you might want to convey your message through email. People will appreciate your thoughtful means of communication and will be more likely to respond positively to you.
Communication Technology

Understanding the basics and keeping up with new communication technology will help make you the best communicator possible.
Most people can’t imagine a world of communication without technology.
The amount of time and energy put into sending the simplest messages before communication technology is more than can be described in 140 characters or less.
The incorporation of technology into differenttypes of communication has made it easier than ever to share information. Even though there are an overwhelming amount of gadgets, software, and tools associated with communication technology, it is not uncommon for the modern day communicator to be an expert at them all.
Each communication technology device has impacted the way information is circulated, and they continue to improve the communication experience.
Information and communication technology refers to a connected system of interactive tools and technologies that are used to send and receive information. Whether it be an individual or an entire company, if a single entity is using multiple types of technology to communicate, they must be linked to ensure efficiency.
These systems of interactive tools can include state-of-the-art innovations, such as artificial intelligence, and less advanced technology, like the corded telephone. The ability and newness of the device aren’t important. If multiple technology tools are being used by an individual or business, they should be connected.
Information and communication technology have changed the way people go about their days living, working, and communicating. These innovations have taken over certain duties that people never would have imagined a machine to do, such as answering phones and giving human-like responses or speaking into a device and having it write a message for you.
Information and communication technology allows people to effectively communicate in the technological world.
Stay tuned! Information and communication technology is an expansive topic, and the ideas within it continue to evolve. You don’t have to be an expert, but understanding the basics and keeping up with new communication technology will help make you the best communicator possible.
The amount of time and energy put into sending the simplest messages before communication technology is more than can be described in 140 characters or less.
The incorporation of technology into differenttypes of communication has made it easier than ever to share information. Even though there are an overwhelming amount of gadgets, software, and tools associated with communication technology, it is not uncommon for the modern day communicator to be an expert at them all.
Each communication technology device has impacted the way information is circulated, and they continue to improve the communication experience.
Information and communication technology refers to a connected system of interactive tools and technologies that are used to send and receive information. Whether it be an individual or an entire company, if a single entity is using multiple types of technology to communicate, they must be linked to ensure efficiency.
These systems of interactive tools can include state-of-the-art innovations, such as artificial intelligence, and less advanced technology, like the corded telephone. The ability and newness of the device aren’t important. If multiple technology tools are being used by an individual or business, they should be connected.
Information and communication technology have changed the way people go about their days living, working, and communicating. These innovations have taken over certain duties that people never would have imagined a machine to do, such as answering phones and giving human-like responses or speaking into a device and having it write a message for you.
Information and communication technology allows people to effectively communicate in the technological world.
Stay tuned! Information and communication technology is an expansive topic, and the ideas within it continue to evolve. You don’t have to be an expert, but understanding the basics and keeping up with new communication technology will help make you the best communicator possible.
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