đź’ĄInfo Mysteriesđź’Ą
Something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain

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Something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain. Something not understood or beyond understanding.
đź’ĄMysteries, Unexplainedđź’Ą

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Something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain. Something not understood or beyond understanding.

đź’ĄThe Mystery of Consciousness

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The mystery of consciousness is the complex and elusive nature of consciousness, and the physical and philosophical questions it raises.

đź’Ą Mystery of Bermuda Triangle

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Many mysterious disappearances have happened in the Bermuda Triangle Region

đź’ĄThe Mysteries of Billy Meier

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Eduard Albert Meier, commonly nicknamed "Billy", is the founder of a UFO religion called the "Freie Interessengemeinschaft fĂĽr Grenz- und Geisteswissenschaften und Ufologiestudien" and alleged contactee whose UFO photographs are claimed to show alien spacecraft.

đź’ĄThe Mystery of Body/Mind Connections

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The mind and the body are not two separate entities—although they are often treated that way. Physical health and emotional health are intimately intertwined in what’s known as the mind-body connection. Our chemistry and biology impact our mood and emotions, as well as thoughts and beliefs. With all of these factors combined, they play a major role in influencing our stress and physical health. If you’ve ever felt your stomach tighten up when you were anxious, you’ve experienced the mind-body connection.

đź’ĄThe Mysteries of the Universe

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Splendid Order and an amazing Harmony seem to govern the operation of this Universe. Big or small, everything is in some kind of motion in a regular or periodical pattern which indicates the existence of a Rhythm.

đź’Ą The Mystery of LIGHT

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In the face of this universally held knowledge, Einstein proposed that light was not a continuous wave, but consisted of localized particles. As Einstein wrote in the introduction to his March paper, "According to the assumption to be contemplated here, when a light ray is spreading from a point, the energy is not distributed continuously over ever-increasing spaces, but consists of a finite number of energy quanta that are localized in points in space, move without dividing, and can be absorbed or generated only as a whole."
Albert Einstein

đź’Ą The Mystery of the UFOs

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There is no doubt that UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) exist — many people see things in the skies that they cannot identify, ranging from aircraft to meteors.

đź’Ą The Mystery of the Intuition

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Intuition is an immediate physical response you feel that suggests the best decision when presented with two or more choices

đź’Ą The Mystery of the Ghosts

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Though definitive proof for the existence of ghosts remains elusive, sincere eyewitnesses continue to report seeing, photographing, and even communicating with ghosts.

đź’ĄThe Mystery of "Deja Vu"

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“Deja Vu” is a French phrase meaning “already seen“ referring to the distinct, puzzling, and mysterious feeling of having experienced a specific set of circumstances before.

đź’ĄThe Mystery of Antique History

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History that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain


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Very strange or unusual. Strikingly out of the ordinary such as odd, extravagant, or eccentric in style or mode involving sensational contrasts or incongruities.

International Consulting and Coaching

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We assist individuals und corporations who desire to live, to invest and conduct business International, in the Dominican Republic, Florida and Switzerland.

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