⭐ Intelligence ⭐
The Ability to Acquire and Apply Knowledge and Skills

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The Ability to Acquire and Apply Knowledge and Skills.

⭐Different Kinds of Intelligence

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According to Harvard's Howard Gardner, intelligence actually comes in an incredible eight flavors. In a recent video for Big Think the developmental psychologist outlined not just the two kinds of intelligence he believes IQ tests capture -- language and logical (other academics break IQ into different components) -- but also listed another six types of intelligence these tests fail to measure at all.
Harvard's Howard Gardner

⭐Emotional Intelligence

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Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand oneself and others. A person is emotionally intelligent when they demonstrate the capacity to identify their own emotions, regulate them and make responsible choices accordingly. It also includes the awareness of different perspectives and the maintenance of healthy relationships with others.

⭐AI, Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence is probably the most complex and astounding creations of humanity yet. And that is disregarding the fact that the field remains largely unexplored, which means that every amazing AI application that we see today represents merely the tip of the AI iceberg

⭐Artifical versus Human Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is disrupting the world as we know it. It is permeating every part of our lives, with more or less desirable and ambitious goals. Inevitably, AI and human intelligence (HI) are being compared. Far from coming out of nowhere, this confrontation can be explained by historical dynamics inscribed deep within the AI project.

⭐Animal Intelligence

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Nonhuman animals are constantly proving themselves to be capable of thought, empathy and intelligence in ways we never expected. Our increasing understanding of the minds of animals continues to fascinate. What’s becoming more and more obvious is that there aren’t just a few highly intelligent animals, but rather a vast number, all of whom demonstrate their intelligence in unique ways.

⭐Plant Intelligence

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It determined that plants can, indeed, make memories, and can display their memory recall though learned response. Better yet, they were able to learn quickly – in as little as one day. Lack of nervous system aside, the mimosa pudica, or “sensitive plant,” started displaying learned responses in as little as one day.

⭐Universal Intelligence

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The concept of the Universal Intelligence suggests that our universe was created by intelligent design rather than being the result of a random, organic coincidence. This means that there is inherent meaning to life and that our universe exists for a reason. The universal intelligence can be understood as a greater consciousness that governs our universe.


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Wisdom is the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense and insight.

International Consulting and Coaching

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We assist individuals und corporations who desire to live, to invest and conduct business International, in the Dominican Republic, Florida and Switzerland.