⭐Healthy Hugging⭐
Hugging with a loved one triggers more than just a warm, fuzzy feeling

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Research shows receiving hugs can have several physical and mental health benefits. A person should aim to get 8-12 firm hugs a day, and hold them for just about 20 seconds each. If you don’t want to hug another person, hugging your pet can be just as beneficial.

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Hugging is one of life’s most important acts between humans. We hug when we are sad, joyful, and happy, but why do we feel the need to hug someone? Is it for emotional support, or is it human nature? It has been proven that hugging has health benefits as well as being comforting, so in this article, we’ll look at six health benefits of hugging.

Health Benefits of Hugging

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Hugs lower your blood pressure and heart rate, while also improving cardiovascular function. Hugs decrease the release of cortisol, making you less stressed and allowing for improved sleep. Hugs boost oxytocin in our bodies, which is associated with feeling happier.


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