⭐ Excellence INT ⭐
IIt is all about Striving for EXCELLENCE instead of Perfection!

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EXCELLENCE is the quality of being outstanding or extremely good or an outstanding feature or quality. It is all about Striving for EXCELLENCE instead of Perfection!

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Importance, Meaning of Excellence

EXCELLENCE: is it important? It is if that’s a personal or professional goal of yours — to achieve excellence. But it needs to be something close and personal to you, not to other people.
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Excellence can mean creating a product that is aesthetically beautiful, unparalleled, unique. An object that others admire and want to own. A work of art that’s so well-crafted that you’re willing to pay top dollar to obtain it.

Excellence can mean working on a skill in small increments every single day. Repeating an action over and over until it becomes automatic. Practicing a foreign language until the sentences start flowing naturally and people start assuming I grew up speaking it.

Excellence can mean something different. Getting straight A’s in school. Being the top athlete on the football team. Baking the perfect baguette that looks like it was made in a bakery in Paris.

Is it important? It is if that’s a personal or professional goal of yours — to achieve excellence. But it needs to be something close and personal to you, not to other people. Because if you’re on the path to achieve it, you’ll have to make sure you’re not following someone else’s path — your parents, your close friends, even your partner’s path. It needs to be YOURS.

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Tips to Reach Excellence instead of Perfection

EXCELLENCE: is it important? It is if that’s a personal or professional goal of yours — to achieve excellence. But it needs to be something close and personal to you, not to other people.

Information Goal Setting

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Cultivating confidence doesn't mean you say everything perfectly.
  • Cultivating confidence doesn't mean you say everything perfectly. You can confidently own a verbal blunder! Take responsibility right after your error, but do it succinctly. Sometimes in the embarrassment of making a gaffe we feel the need to elaborate and rationalize about where we were coming from or what our true intent was. Resist the urge to do this. If you over explain, you draw people’s attention to your error and burn it into their memories. You can say aloud, “That didn’t come out how I intended. Let me rephrase.” or “Oops – that’s not what I meant to say. Let me put that a different way.” Remember, briefly own it, then move on. 

  • Mindset

    Update your mindset to avoid people-pleasing
    Update your mindset to avoid people-pleasing. If your boss makes a call you don’t like, you reflexively nod in agreement, right? Wrong! If you get an unsatisfying answer, you can do more than just accept it, and you can practice feeling confident pushing back. First, challenge a “No” directly by tactfully expressing your displeasure. As in, “I’m really disappointed to hear you don’t think I’m ready for more responsibility.” A related tactic is to then ask pointed questions about your counterpart’s conclusion. When you do this, you’re not accepting their answer outright. You’re probing to understand their reasoning with questions like, “Can you share the rationale behind that decision?” These tactics help you avoid totally yielding, which maintains your voice, power and confidence.


    Internalize your own voice of validation. Perfectionists put a high bar on other people's approval.
    Internalize your own voice of validation. Perfectionists put a high bar on other people's approval. The issue is, that seeps all your power and gives everyone control of how you feel. Etienne Gatt recommends that instead of letting a lack of outside approval stoke your self-doubt, give yourself the gift of reassurance. That kind of self-endorsement may sound like, "I know I'm going to succeed at this," or "Woohoo - I'm so proud of this win!" Or it could sound like saying to yourself, "I see you're afraid, but I know you can do it anyway." Remember, next time you think it's all about them, decide that in fact you have the voice of approval that'll make all the difference.

    Don’t be perfectionist about not being perfectionist!

    Be compassionate and patient with yourself if you stumble.
    As you implement these tips and celebrate your 93% (instead of agonizing over the 7%), be compassionate and patient with yourself if you stumble. A lifetime of perfectionism, often reinforced by parents or teachers or managers, won’t change in a week. If you fall off and notice yourself dwelling on a mistake, own it and get right back on your excellence horse! 

    Information Greatness

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    Until you work as hard as those you admire, don’t explain away their success as luck.
    James Clear, Atomic Habits

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    We assist individuals und corporations who desire to live, to invest and conduct business International, in the Dominican Republic, Florida and Switzerland.