Courage is an important Value in Life

Courage helps us take risks, think things through, and accomplish our goals. It also helps us to believe in ourselves and our actions. It helps us be aware of our fears, and how to work with them to achieve what we need to do.
Courage allows us to act on our Values rather than our Impulses. Courage is one of the four classic western cardinal virtues. Aristotle recognized courage as the virtue at the mean between rashness and cowardice. Courage requires moderation.
Courage is the resolve to act virtuously, especially when it is most difficult. It is acting for the Positive when it would be much easier not to this time.
A courageous person understands danger, and chooses to overcome their fear and proceed to face the danger and act according to their values. It is not fearlessness, recklessness, or rashness. It is a well-considered, wise, and brave decision to behave constructively despite the fear, discomfort, temptation, or dilemma. It is the discipline to act on wisely-chosen values rather than an impulse.
Sometimes the most difficult obstacles we face are fatigue, boredom, and other chronic stressors such as relentless bad weather, lack of food or shelter, disrespect, uncertainty, and other annoyances and difficulties. Enduring in the face of these obstacles requires courage.
Ordinary people courageously persevere over fatigue, temptation, and hardship to benefit others. The single mother who gets her children dressed for school each day before she goes to work herself, the unskilled worker who endures a low-paying, demeaning, and exhausting job to earn the money to send his children off to college, and the alcoholic who never indulges in a drink are all choosing to do the right thing despite the hardships.
Courage is the resolve to act virtuously, especially when it is most difficult. It is acting for the Positive when it would be much easier not to this time.
A courageous person understands danger, and chooses to overcome their fear and proceed to face the danger and act according to their values. It is not fearlessness, recklessness, or rashness. It is a well-considered, wise, and brave decision to behave constructively despite the fear, discomfort, temptation, or dilemma. It is the discipline to act on wisely-chosen values rather than an impulse.
Sometimes the most difficult obstacles we face are fatigue, boredom, and other chronic stressors such as relentless bad weather, lack of food or shelter, disrespect, uncertainty, and other annoyances and difficulties. Enduring in the face of these obstacles requires courage.
Ordinary people courageously persevere over fatigue, temptation, and hardship to benefit others. The single mother who gets her children dressed for school each day before she goes to work herself, the unskilled worker who endures a low-paying, demeaning, and exhausting job to earn the money to send his children off to college, and the alcoholic who never indulges in a drink are all choosing to do the right thing despite the hardships.
âImportance of Living Our Valuesâ

Your values guide your decisions and set the tone for how you live your life. If youâve done the work of identifying your core values, you may be wondering how to bring your values to life. Or how to bring more of them into your life.
Jessica Dowches-Wheeler

... As a leader, you have the incredible opportunity to change someone's life every single day.
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