⭐ Humility ⭐
gives you 💥Freedom from Conceitedness and Arrogance

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⭐ Being Humble gives you 💥Freedom from Conceitedness and Arrogance ⭐

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⭐ Information about Humility ⭐

⭐Humility is the Beginning of Wisdom

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When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. — Proverbs 11:2
Proverbs 11:2

It starts when you empty yourself

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It starts when we realize that we are not entitled to anything, we are nothing of ourselves, and there is something bigger than ourselves at every turn. This self-emptying makes you super honest with yourself and your environment.

Albert Einstein posited that the more you know, the more humble you become.
There’s a pattern there. From humility, we realize that we don’t know everything. Then we become curious. We ask questions. We learn. Eventually we start to form a habit of learning. We purposely empty ourselves, so that we can learn more and do better.

Humility helps you care less about who is right or wrong.
When you desire
Wisdom, you don’t care where it comes from. You are okay with being proven wrong, because that’s an opportunity to learn. There are lessons in failure.

Humility helps you understand
that you, and everything around you, can always improve…

When you humble yourself, you are better able to see the true value of others.
This creates trust, and
trust is the foundation for a cohesive, peaceful, and happy society. That’s a great responsibility.

Humility gives you your best weapon to achieve Success!
There are so many ways that this is true:
  • Humility shows you that your way may not be the best way to succeed.
  • Humility creates confidence, because you are honest with yourself about what you can actually do well. And confidence will take you far.
  • Humility helps you gain influence with others. You become the kind of person that people want to listen to and follow.
  • Humility is the solid foundation of all virtues.” – Confucius. When you’re honest about yourself and your environment, you see how they both can improve. You’ll see opportunities. You’ll see parts of your character that need the most work – whether it be patience, compassion or something else.

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⭐Humility, Wisdom and Leadership

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Research shows that humble leaders are more effective and enjoy more positive relationships with others.

Researcher J.P. Tangney specified these features of humility: an accurate assessment of oneself; acknowledgement of one’s limitations and mistakes; an openness to other perceptions and ideas; viewing one’s accomplishments and abilities in perspective; lower self-focus; and appreciating other people and things. Similarly, psychologist E. L. Worthington suggested that humility is reflected by traits such as being other-oriented, prosocial, altruistic, modest, willing to accept both strengths and weaknesses, and the absence of thoughts or behaviors that reflect being prideful, arrogant, or entitled. Humility tends to be associated with modesty; highly humble people do not appear to be as motivated to convey enhanced images of themselves to other people as less humble people.
Research on humility has shown that it is one of the core organizational virtues proposed to provide the foundation for moral action in the workplace and to foster positive behavior, exceptional performance, and altruism. In the context of organizations, virtues such as humility have been generally viewed as that which is good, human, and produces social betterment.

⭐Realizing Gratefulness takes Humility

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Gratefulness, Appreciation, Gratitude, Thankfulness, Thanks
Humility stops you from taking things for granted.
Humility makes you
grateful. We are not entitled to anything and everything has a price. Nothing is permanent. Realizing this makes you grateful – and that takes humility.
In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.

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Personal Development and Growth is a lifelong process that helps you to become a better version of yourself.

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To be teachable is to develop an attitude of learning, observing, listening, and asking when you need help. It’s an attitude that recognizes that you’re human,

Core Values

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Your values guide your decisions and set the tone for how you live your life. If you’ve done the work of identifying your core values, you may be wondering how to bring your values to life. Or how to bring more of them into your life.
Jessica Dowches-Wheeler

International Consulting and Coaching

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We assist individuals und corporations who desire to live, to invest and conduct business International, in the Dominican Republic, Florida and Switzerland.

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