🚫 No to Stupidity 🚫
The difference between Stupidity and Genius is that Genius has its Limits

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Stupid People are the Biggest Challenge during our Lifetime, but they are also a Great Blessing for our strive to GROW: We learn Tolerance, Understanding, NOT being affected by Negativity.
Hans R. Bieri

⭐Beeing Nice to Stupid People ⭐

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There’s a fine line between being nice and being a complete idiot.

⭐Power of Stupid People in Large Groups⭐

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Stupidity, defined as a lack of intelligence or understanding, is a trait that exists in varying degrees among individuals. However, when stupid people gather in large groups, their power and influence can be magnified exponentially. The phenomenon of large groups being driven by stupidity is a potent force that should never be underestimated.

⭐How to Handle Frustrating Stupid People⭐

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We're going to walk you through all of the easiest and most effective tips, so that you can take calmly deal with difficult people. That way, you can walk away feeling proud of yourself for staying calm, cool, and collected.

⭐Definition Stupid versus Smart

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⭐Info Education

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Education is the Dam which stops the River of Ignorance!

⭐Info Learning

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Learning nourishes the mind, it allows you to grow, advance your knowledge and find new and exciting opportunities – making it a necessity for both your personal and professional career.

International Consulting and Coaching

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We assist individuals und corporations who desire to live, to invest and conduct business International, in the Dominican Republic, Florida and Switzerland.