Quantum Physics is the study of matter and energy at the most fundamental level. It aims to uncover the properties and behaviors of the very building blocks of nature.
💫Quantum Physics💫
While many quantum experiments examine very small objects, such as electrons and photons, quantum phenomena are all around us, acting on every scale. However, we may not be able to detect them easily in larger objects. This may give the wrong impression that quantum phenomena are bizarre or otherworldly. In fact, quantum science closes gaps in our knowledge of physics to give us a more complete picture of our everyday lives.
💫Quantum Mechanics💫
Quantum Mechanics is the branch of physics that describes how very small objects, like electrons, can behave both as waves, which transfer energy through a disturbance, and as particles, which are tiny pieces of matter. This dual behavior is known as wave-particle duality.
⭐Info Quantum Medicine⭐
Quantum Medicine is a holistic medicine that restores and as well keeps the body in a state of balance. We call this state of balance - health.
⭐Info Science⭐
Science is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.