⭐ Learning ⭐
⭐ Great Benefits of Continuous Learning ⭐

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Learning nourishes the mind, it allows you to grow, advance your knowledge and find new and exciting opportunities – making it a necessity for both your personal and professional career.
What is Learning?

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Learning is a relatively lasting change in behavior that is the result of experience. It is the acquisition of information, knowledge, and skills. When you think of learning, it's easy to focus on formal education that takes place during childhood and early adulthood. But learning is an ongoing process that takes place throughout life and isn't confined to the classroom.

⭐ Humility is the starting point of Learning

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When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. — Proverbs 11:2
Proverbs 11:2

⭐Be Teachable

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To be teachable is to develop an attitude of learning, observing, listening and asking when you need help. It’s an attitude that recognizes that you’re human,

⭐Benefits of Continuous Learning⭐

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Continuing to learn new skills and gain more knowledge provides you with the chance to take part in new and exciting experiences that lead you to advanced opportunities.
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⭐A boost in Empowerment

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Learning and personal development provides you with a feeling of accomplishment; it allows you to feel prepared to take on new challenges and explore different business ventures. Continuing to learn helps to build confidence; it forces you out of your comfort zone and has a positive impact on your self esteem.

⭐Vast and diversified Knowledge

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Facts, Information, and Skills acquired through Experience and/or Education

⭐Aids with personal and professional Development 

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Having that willingness to learn opens several doors that lead to professional development; often employers are looking for additional or transferable skills, knowledge and practical learning when looking to hire a new applicant. Learning provides a sure pathway that can help you become better at what you do and continue to advance in your career and new opportunities. 

⭐Fight Ignorance

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Ignorance refers to the absence of knowledge that one should possess.


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Believe it or not, learning makes you happier; personal development is a way to guarantee serenity from within. Lifelong learning assists you in continuously developing your Passions and interests which ultimately results in a sense of Happiness. Many studies demonstrate the relationship between learning and happiness and make it easy to see that learning directly correlates. Your achievements also contribute to happiness as they provide you with a feeling of accomplishment – not to mention learning keeps your boredom at bay. 


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Several scientific studies have shown that lifelong learning activities can help people maintain better brain function as they age. 


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Continuous learning is important because it helps people to feel happier and more fulfilled in their lives and careers, and to maintain stronger cognitive functioning when they get older. 
Making learning continuous helps companies boost their productivity, profitability, adaptability to change, and potential to innovate in their industries. 
Learning is important to society as a whole because it helps different groups of people to share knowledge, agree on mutual values, and understand one another better. 

VIDEO: most important factors in learning?

⭐International Education

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International Education refers to a dynamic concept that involves a journey or movement of people, minds, or ideas across political and cultural frontiers. It is facilitated by the globalization phenomenon, which increasingly erases the constraints of geography on economic, social and cultural arrangements.

⭐ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

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In the 2020 edition of the QS World University Rankings ETH Zurich has been ranked 6th in the World and 2nd in Europe
ETH Zurich

⭐Babson INT

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We assist individuals und corporations who desire to live, to invest and conduct business International, in the Dominican Republic, Florida and Switzerland.

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