Healthy Beach Walk
⭐Relaxing⭐Grounding⭐Strength Training⭐Vitamin⭐Mineral⭐Boost⭐

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Who wouldn't enjoy a barefoot stroll along a sandy beach? If you think wandering down a beach is time wasted, then guess again…

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⭐Walking on a Beach

A study from the University of Exeter suggested that people who spent more time on beaches had less stress and better overall health.
University of Exeter

⭐Reasons why Walking Barefoot on Sand is a Great Idea:

⭐Healthy Walking in Sand

Walking in Sand requires greater effort than walking on a hard surface. In fact, walking in sand requires almost 3x more energy than on hard surfaces. Even if the sand causes you to walk at a slower pace, it still works your muscles and tendons harder. Instead of pounding your joints and feet on hard pavement, sand acts as a natural cushion. Sand conforms to your feet without restricting them, so it's almost like a walking foot massage.

⭐Burns Calories

The energy used to strengthen those muscles has to come from somewhere. According to Berkley Wellness, you can expect to burn approximately 50% more calories by walking or running on sand than you would on paved ground.


Walking on a beach is so relaxing and the best kind of distracting that studies show people walk further distances than they normally would on treadmills, tracks, or city streets.
You can get your daily dose of Vitamin D in just 10 minutes at the beach! Of course, be sure to wear sunscreen, but allowing your skin to soak in a bit of natural Vitamin D has endless health benefits.
The calming sounds and sights of the beach combined with the low-pressure activity of walking on the beach is actually found to increase serotonin.

⭐Helps you sleep more soundly

Exercising on the beach helps relieve 3 key factors that inhibit sleep: high stress and anxiety, lack of physical fatigue, and hormonal imbalances. The sun and lowered stress levels immediately help regulate a person’s hormones – making it far easier later that night to get a peaceful and deep sleep.

⭐Improved Proprioception

Proprioception—a favorite term among barefoot runners and fans of minimal shoes—is defined as the ability to sense stimuli arising within the body regarding position, motion, and equilibrium. Basically, good walking proprioception means your mind is in touch with the stimuli coming from your feet, which helps you connect with the world around you. While thickly-padded conventional shoes can numb this ability, walking barefoot on sand is a great way to tap into it. After all, you have between 3,000–7,000 nerve endings in each of your feet. Just think about feeling all those grains under the sensitive part of your arch or between your toes when you walk... I feel tingly already!

⭐Grounding/Earthing for Health

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Health advocates say that walking barefoot grounds us.
The theory behind grounding, also known as earthing,
is that electrical energy from the earth can be absorbed through your feet when you walk barefoot (especially on wet or moist sand) and lead to a multitude of health benefits. Even if you take this theory with a grain of sand—haha—few people would disagree that turning off your cell phone and walking barefoot is a meditative activity that will help you feel
mentally grounded and centered. Don't underestimate the benefits of a clear and relaxed mind!

⭐Information Healthy Walking

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Regular walks can be enough to improve your health and keep you fit. The health benefits of walking regularly are numerous.

⭐Information Low Impact Exercising

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One of the most important things to remember is that you don’t have to put your joints through maximum stress to develop a good level of cardiac fitness.

⭐Information about Healthy Exercising

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Being physically active can improve your brain health, help manage weight, reduce the risk of disease, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve your ability to do everyday activities. Adults who sit less and do any amount of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity gain some health benefits.

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⭐Cabarete with miles long Sandy Beaches is ideal for Walking

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Live your Dream, come and enjoy the Caribbean Cosmopolitan Lifestyle in Cabarete and its Worldclass Watersport.

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The goal is to ensures short and long term vitality & health and to get a physical body that is strong, flexible and fit through each stage of our lifes.