⭐ Great Nature ⭐
Information about the beautiful NATURE on our Planet EARTH

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Nature can help decrease your anxiety levels and can help lessen stress and feelings of anger. Exercise can also help this, but it's even better when you're outside. Regular access to green spaces has been linked to lower risks of depression and improved concentration and attention

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Good Nature Stories, made on Adventures out in the Nature...

Healthy, Healing Nature

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Beautiful Nature

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Exiting Mountains

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Healthy Forests

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Great Oceans

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Safe Water

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Alt. Energy

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Nature Based Activities

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Alt. Energy

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Life on Earth

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Life is defined as any system capable of performing functions such as eating, metabolizing, excreting, breathing, moving, growing, reproducing, and responding to external stimuli, the period between birth and death, or the experience or state of being alive.

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