⭐Personal Growth⭐
⭐ Personal Development and Growth is a Lifelong Process ⭐

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Personal Growth is a lifelong process that helps you, step by step, to become a better version of yourself.

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STEPS to achieve Personal Development and Growth

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assess skills and qualities, consider aims in life and set goals in order to realize and maximise your potential

1. Be ⭐Humble and ⭐Grateful

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In positive psychology research, Gratefulness is strongly and consistently associated with Greater Happiness.

When we recognize all the good things happening in our day-to-day lives, we can’t help but become more positive, which makes us happier overall.

It’s impossible to be both grateful and negative at the same time!

2. Know and accept ⭐Yourself

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Knowing Yourself will enable you to know the areas you need to improve.
Until you know who you are, you will never make much improvement.
Self Acceptance is a virtue. Accepting that you deserve to change is the first principle of developing yourself. Learn from every experience you have had in life. In everything that happens to you, there is something you need to learn from it. To truly move forward in life, you need to take responsibility of everything that occurs in your life.

3. Discover your ⭐Passion

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It is time for you to stop for a moment, and look for your passion! To live your passion means to live your life to the fullest. Everything else is a mere waste of time. It is time for you to find your passion if you haven’t done it yet.

To live your passion means to live your life to the fullest!

4. Accept ⭐Change, make ⭐Choices & ⭐Decisions, set your ⭐Goals

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Preventing CHANGES is not always possible as they are inevitable sometimes. However, it is possible to plan for changes and overcome them. Don't rush to the point of DECISION. Reconnect to the place of CHOICE first. Many people feel as if they're adrift in the world. They work hard, but they don't seem to get anywhere worthwhile. They haven't spent enough time thinking about what they want from life, and haven't set themselves formal GOALS.
Change is basically a variation in the common way of doing things.
Effective Decison Making can only flow from a place of Choice. You must make a conscious effort to free yourself from fear and perceived limitations.
Without Goals you lack Focus and Direction.

5. Take ⭐Action

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There’s only so much that we can watch, read, and talk about. There comes a point where the only step left to do is to jump and take action!
We have to take action and decide to chase what we truly want and going after our dreams and goals.
All of these things we would have never truly learned if it wasn’t by doing something about it. Any little step that would set me up for

6. Keep ⭐Learning, and aquire ⭐Knowledge

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There is no end to learning. Education develops your mind and equips you with the principles of getting ahead in life.
There is no end to learning. Education develops your mind and equips you with the principles of getting ahead in life. Being able to continuously learn and update your skills has been made easier with the help of technology. An online education can provide great bene!ts to individuals seeking further development with their skills and in their career. One can take up courses like an online criminal justice degree and boost their chances of getting ahead in their career path.

7. Get a ⭐Coach

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Getting a Coach is one of the key ways of developing yourself. A mentor will teach you key principles of succeeding in life by sharing either their personal experiences or experiences of others.
The end-result is that you will learn from their mistakes and amend yourself. A mentor shows you how to actualize your potentials faster than you can ever imagine.
A mentor is a guide.

Expand your ⭐Network and improve your ⭐Communication Skills

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Networking isn't merely the exchange of information with others. It is about establishing and nurturing long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with the people you meet,
Always make sincere efforts to increase your NETWORK because your network determines your net worth. You really need to get along with great people. Move with those on the same journey with you, those that want to see you excel, and those that want the same things you want from life. associates will bring lots of bene!ts to yourself and the world.

9. Create ⭐Good Habits and ⭐stay Positive

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Many of us would like to change or even eliminate what we consider negative habits from our lives. They don’t serve us, don’t bring us happiness and some are unhealthy and yet, we just can’t “kick the HABIT”! POSITIVE Thinking actually improves our Health and overall Happiness
Habits are repeated behaviors that require little to no conscious thought. An example of this is switching on a light in a dark room or attempting to catch an unexpected ball thrown in your direction, or carrying out morning routines. Repeated behaviors result in habit formation which can be either beneficial or detrimental to people.
Positive Thinking actually improves our Health and overall Happiness

10. Live your ⭐Experience

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Human experience is the ultimate source and justification for all knowledge. Experience itself has accumulated in human memory and culture, gradually producing the methods of intelligence called "reason" and "science."
John Shook
Experience is a direct observation of or participation in events as a basis of Knowledge.The fact or state of having been affected by or gained knowledge through direct observation or participation.

11. Learn to be ⭐Patient

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Patience is the art of calmly waiting, believing that the outcome will be achieved in due course.
By calling patience a virtue, or state of moral excellence, it leads people to believe an ability to wait without agitation is an admirable quality.

12. Become ⭐Empowered

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I can! Empowerment makes you more confident and makes you feel that you are in control of your life.
Empowerment is the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights.

13. Strive for ⭐Greatness, ⭐Excellency and ⭐Wisdom

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GREATNESS is a concept of a state of superiority affecting a person or object in a particular place or area. WISDOM is the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense and insight.
Greatness is not something you are entitled to. It is something that you earn, something that you work, and strive for. It is something that you deserve only if you make a go for it. It is up to you to find your greatness! Meet life with life!
Wisdom is the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense and insight. Wisdom is associated with attributes such as unbiased judgment, compassion, experiential self-knowledge, self-transcendence and non-attachment, and virtues such as humility, ethics and benevolence.

14. Become ⭐Successful and ⭐Inspirational

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Successis the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. "there is a thin line between success and failure". In a culture obsessed with measuring talent and ability, we often overlook the important role of iNSPIRATION.
Real Success in life is achieving the goals that matter to you the most. Based on the way your personality developed and the life experiences you have been through since you were born certain certain things will become important to you. Those things should define your goals and mission in life.

15. Become ⭐HAPPY!

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Happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment.

International Consulting and Coaching

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We assist individuals und corporations who desire to live, to invest and conduct business International, in the Dominican Republic, Florida and Switzerland.