Negativity has a high physical and mental cost!

How Negativity Adversely Affects Your Health
Negativity surrounds us daily. Whether it is thoughtless attacks across social media, unkind words overheard at the grocery store, or internal uncertainty and judgment, pessimism can be a grueling matter to deal with – both mentally and physically.

Ways Negativity Hurts
Weakened Immune System
Studies have shown that negative emotions are linked to a lowered immune response against disease, making you more prone to illness, heart attack, and even stroke.
It’s Contagious
If we experience someone unnecessarily complaining or being overly toxic, we can get worked up. Although we don’t always consciously allow others’ emotions to affect our own, it’s natural and can happen without us even realizing it.
State of Mind
Not only can negative thinking affect how you are feeling in the moment, but it can also alter your state of mind. Pessimistic thoughts can linger and fester for hours, days, weeks, months, or even years. How you walk away from any situation affects how you will see it in the future.
Every day we make a conscious decision whether to be happy or sad, cheerful or angry. Negativity affects our attitude, which in turn affects our behavior. Fostering an attitude of gratitude helps us to remember our blessings instead of focusing on the negative.
Taking ACTIVE Steps, CHANGE Negative Patterns

It's human to have a bad day and want to avoid a situation you're not ready to deal with. By taking active steps to change your negative thinking patterns, including therapy and practicing tried and true coping strategies, you can successfully break through the fog and live a healthier lifestyle.

to keep away from someone or something; to try not to do something avoid somebody/something He's been avoiding me all week. She kept avoiding my eyes (= avoided looking at me).
Quick Ways to Avoid Negativity

The longer you remain trapped in your negative thoughts, the harder it is to pull yourself out.Â
Distract or Combat
The science of cognitive behavioral therapy brings us some cool ways to turn negativity around. When a negative thought enters your head, your first line of defense is to distract yourself from it. Listen to a song that makes you happy, hug a friend or family member, anything that will give your mood a boost.
If your negative emotion is still trying to get the best of you, put up a fight. Talk back to it and don’t be afraid to give it some serious attitude. Let’s say you trip getting off the elevator and drop your coffee, spilling it everywhere. Your mind may be inclined to think, I’m such an idiot! Why am I always so clumsy? Now, pretend your brain is a bully that just said the same thing about your friend (who happens to be exactly like you.) Hey, people trip sometimes. That doesn’t make them clumsy, let alone always clumsy.
If your negative emotion is still trying to get the best of you, put up a fight. Talk back to it and don’t be afraid to give it some serious attitude. Let’s say you trip getting off the elevator and drop your coffee, spilling it everywhere. Your mind may be inclined to think, I’m such an idiot! Why am I always so clumsy? Now, pretend your brain is a bully that just said the same thing about your friend (who happens to be exactly like you.) Hey, people trip sometimes. That doesn’t make them clumsy, let alone always clumsy.
Healthy Laughing & Smile

It is fun to share a good laugh, but did you know it can actually improve your health? Learn how to harness the powerful benefits of laughter and humor.
Reducing Stress

reduce stress, feel better, have more energy and add years to your life
Choices & Decisions

Don't rush to the point of Decision. Reconnect to the place of Choice first.
Personal Development and Growth

Personal Development and Growth is a lifelong process that helps you to become a better version of yourself.
Mood Boosters

Feeling a little down after receiving some unpleasant news? Having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day? Apply the Mood Boosters described below.
International Consulting and Coaching

We assist individuals und corporations who desire to live, to invest and conduct business International, in the Dominican Republic, Florida and Switzerland.