Choices & Decisions
Don't rush to the point of Decision. Reconnect to the place of Choice first.

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Don't rush to the point of Decision. Reconnect to the place of Choice first.

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Difference Between Making A Choice and A Decision

Although it might appear that the words “Choice” and “Decision” are just synonyms for the same thing, there is actually a difference between the two.
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From psychological investigations, we know that the difference stems from the concepts of freedom and determinism, where freedom is the place of choice and determinism is the point of decision. A little confusing? I’ll explain.
Determinism is the doctrine that, in its absolute form, all events, including human action, are ultimately determined by causes external to the will. Thus, we can’t really choose anything. All has been pre-determined.
Freedom, on the other hand, if absolute, means just what you think it does: the ability to choose among different alternatives unfettered by other considerations and restraints. Nothing has been pre-determined.
Understanding the difference between the place of choice and the point of decision helps you practice identifying your feelings, whether positive or negative, so you can make inspired choices and clear, robust decisions.
Don't rush to the point of Decision. Reconnect to the place of Choice first.
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Effective decision making can only flow from a place of choice. You must make a conscious effort to free yourself from fear and perceived limitations to get there. You must open your mind to all possibilities, without feeling restricted. When you are there, nothing seems like an insurmountable problem. Instead, there are only opportunities for growth and discovery. Nothing can stop you.
The place of choice is the crossroads between feeling fulfilled and aligning with your own values. Only after you have identified the place of choice can you move on to the point of decision, which is where you finally consider all options and decide what to do.
This is the core distinction between choice and decision. Choice connects to the place of desired intention, values and beliefs. Decision connects to the place of behavior, performance and consequences. You might say that choices are connected to reasons and decisions are connected to causes.

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