💥 No to Procrastination 💥
Procrastination is the action of delaying, postponing or avoiding tasks

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Tips to avoid Procrastination Admit that you're procrastinating. ... Pick a good study location. ... Eliminate distractions. ... Set Goals You can Reach. ... Work with a study group. ... Reward yourself. ... Take a break. ... Hold Yourself Accountable.

⭐What does Procrastinating mean?⭐

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To understand what really helps counter procrastination, you first need to understand what it is not. The short answer is that procrastination is not about laziness, boredom, nor is it about time management.

⭐Why should you take Action?

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There’s only so much that we can watch, read, and talk about. There comes a point where the only step left to do is to jump and take action!

⭐Choices & Decisions

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Don't rush to the point of Decision. Reconnect to the place of Choice first.


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Focus can only occur when we have said yes to one option and no to all other options. In other words, elimination is a prerequisite for focus
Tim Ferriss


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Success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. "there is a thin line between success and failure"

International Consulting and Coaching

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We assist individuals und corporations who desire to live, to invest and conduct business International, in the Dominican Republic, Florida and Switzerland.

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