When focusing on simplicity, your creative work becomes easier to understand, easier to recognize, easier to use (if it requires usage), easier to expand upon (if necessary), and downright easier to create. Simply put: simplicity makes things easy.
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What Simplicity Is All About

What is Simplicity?

Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful, getting at the core of something and understanding what that thing truly is and then making every part consistent with the core. We know simple when we see it, when we touch it, when we use it and one thing we quickly learn is simplicity is difficult to achieve.

Why Simplicity is almost always best?

The truth is that simplicity is almost always best because, when focusing on simplicity, your creative work becomes easier to understand, easier to recognize, easier to use (if it requires usage), easier to expand upon (if necessary), and downright easier to create. Simply put: simplicity makes things easy.

Simplicity is a positive vibe!

When things are simple they are well-made, they last for good, they are made with pleasure.
According to Leonardo da Vinci, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. 
Simplicity craves fewer egos and more
imagination, less complexity and more creativity, less glamour and more gratitude, less attention to appearance and more attention to essence. It promotes excellence.

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