🫐Wild Alaskan Blueberry🫐
🫐 The antioxidant level of Alaska's Wild Berries is high, higher and highest! 🫐

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Wild Alaskan Blueberries are a free, organic SUPERFOOD. They are higher in antioxidants than blueberries from the store. Eating fruits that are high in antioxidants may help protect your body from aging, cancers, and heart disease.

🫐Wild Alaskan Blueberry🫐

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⭐Are Wild Blueberries Better?

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All Blueberries are good for your health, but Wild Blueberries are your best choice!
Due to the
harsh growing conditions of Alaska, Wild Alaskan Blueberries have even higher nutritional values than common Blueberries, which makes them a true superfood.
They are much richer in antioxidants, vitamins, fiber, and other micronutrients than cultivated regular or organic Blueberries.


Research to discover the antioxidant levels of Alaska Wild Berries was undertaken, centered on both the raw berries and products made from the berries. A variety of wild berries were tested to discover their Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity (ORAC) in the raw berries. The products were tested for both ORAC as well as specific antioxidants.


The Alaska Wild Berries collected and tested ranged from 3 to 5 times higher in ORAC value than cultivated berries from the lower 48 states.
Cultivated blueberries have an ORAC scale of 30.
Alaska wild blueberries measure 85.
A study conducted by the US Department of Agriculture determined that blueberries have the highest total antioxidant capacity per serving when compared to 24 varieties of fresh fruits, 23 vegetables, 16 herbs and spices, 10 different nuts, and 4 dried fruits.


Due to the harsh growing conditions of Alaska, Wild Alaskan Blueberries have even higher nutritional values than common blueberries.

Wild Alaskan Blueberries have at least ten times higher antioxidant levels than the common Blueberries.

⭐Information Superfoods

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Superfood are food that help us to ensures short and long term health and to get a physical body that is strong, flexible and fit through each stage of our lifes.

⭐Triangle of Health

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The Triangle of Health is a three-step system that delivers the nutrients you need plus the science to make sure they are optimally absorbed by your body. Together, Kyäni Sunrise, Sunset, and Nitro fill in the gaps your modern diet may be lacking.

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The goal is to ensures short and long term vitality & health and to get a physical body that is strong, flexible and fit through each stage of our lifes.
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