😴 Healthy Sleep 😴
😴 Sleep helps keep your mind and body healthy 😴

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We all need more sleep time, and most of us would love to know how to sleep better. One in three of us is sleep-deprived, and that’s dangerous to our careers, health, moods, and relationships. The first step is acknowledging the problem.

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Why do we need SLEEP

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Why do we need to switch our brains off 8 hours every night? Sleep time lets us rest, restore, repair, and it may even keep our brains young and “plastic.” Understanding the importance of sleep is a key step in knowing how to sleep better.

Brain Plasticity: That’s the idea that a brain can get “stiff”—like an unused muscle. Harvard Medical school research shows knowing how to sleep better can improve focus, learning, mood, and decision-making ability.
Restoration: Human and animal studies show sleep restores, rejuvenates, and repairs our minds and bodies. Animals deprived of sleep entirely die in a matter of weeks when their immune systems collapse. Sleep aids tissue repair and muscle growth. It also clears the brain of amyloid plaques found in Alzheimer’s patients.
Energy Conservation: During sleep time, our metabolisms drop. In the modern world, plentiful food supplies make that less of a survival matter and more a carbon footprint issue. In short, 8 billion people who never slept would consume the planet’s resources at a faster rate.

The Dangers of Losing Sleep

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It Wrecks Your Health!
Want to live a long and healthy life? Learn how to sleep better. People who sleep less than six hours a night have a 13% higher chance of dying. What should really keep you up at night though (pun intended) is the variety ways sleep loss wrecks your health.

How To Sleep Better

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Follow a Sleep Schedule
Follow a Sleep Schedule.“When should I wake up?” Or, “What time should I go to bed?” Try to go to bed as close to the first full darkness as you can, and rise with the sun. Going to sleep at 9pm, 10pm, or 11pm matters less than keeping the same sleep schedule every night.

Getting 6 hours of sleep a night will sap your focus, moods,
health, and well-being. Always get 7–9 hours of in-the-bed sleep time, even if you’re awake for some of it. Even if you feel fine after six hours of sleep, your effectiveness suffers.

How to fall asleep
Sit on the edge of your bed.
Relax the muscles of your face, jaw, tongue, and eyes.
Let your shoulders and arm muscles go slack.
Breathe out. Relax your chest, then thighs, calves, feet, and toes.
Clear your mind for 10 seconds.
Picture one of these three images:
You’re lying in a pit room in a black velvet hammock.
You’re in a canoe on a calm lake with blue sky above.
You repeat the words “don’t think,” for 10 seconds.

This 2-minute Navy SEAL sleep technique works for 96% of sleepers. The downside?
It can take six weeks of practice.

Eat well and Exercise
Eat Well:
Eating a healthy, balanced diet can improve your sleep time. Foods that impact tryptophan, serotonin, and melatonin like eggs, cheese, and salmon can help your sleep quality and duration. Plus, take a magnesium supplement. “Magnesium facilitates sleep-regulating melatonin production.
Daily exercise will help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

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Stages of Sleep

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The sleep cycle is the pattern of sleep stages from NREM (non-REM) to REM sleep (rapid eye movement). Each sleep cycle lasts 90 to 120 minutes, and includes about 15 minutes of the four stages of sleep, including stages 1, 2, 3, and REM sleep.
Stage 1. Light sleep, easy to wake. 5–10 min.
Stage 2. Light sleep, preparing for deep sleep. 10–15 min.
Stage 3. Deep sleep. Hard to wake. Body repairs itself and boosts the immune system.
REM sleep. Rapid eye movements. Your
brain clears plaques in this stage. 10 minutes to 1 hour. REM cycles get longer as the night progresses.

Sleep Benefits of living on an Ocean

the Ocean Air is stocked with healthy negative ions

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Ocean Air is full of negative hydrogen ions, charged particles abundant in sea spray and concentrated in fresh air, which improve our ability to absorb oxygen by neutralizing damaging free radicals (positive ions). These negative ions can also balance levels of seratonin, the feelgood hormone, making us less prone to anxiety. getting a lungful of ocean air at the Beach will help you to sleep better!

Ocean Waves Sounds for Deep Sleeping, Relaxing ...
The soothing sound of waves on a beach is the perfect ambience to help you fall asleep. The natural white noise relaxes the mind and blocks out extraneous sounds, creating a peaceful vibe so that you can fall asleep quickly and remain sleeping all night long!

💥 Take Care of Yourself

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Self-Care means taking the time to do things that help you live well and improve both your physical health and mental health

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The goal is to ensures short and long term vitality & health and to get a physical body that is strong, flexible and fit through each stage of our lifes.
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