Aging How: 💥CARDIO💥
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What is Cardio, Aeroblc Exercising?

Aerobic Exercise is any activity that gets your blood pumping and large muscle groups working. It’s also known as Cardiovascular Activity.
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Cardio, Aerobic Exercise is any activity that gets your blood pumping and large muscle groups working. It’s also known as Cardiovascular Activity.
Health authorities recommend 150 minutes of cardio exercise per week to reduce health risks.
Cardio exercise simply means that you're doing a rhythmic activity that raises your heart rate into your
target heart rate zone, the zone where you'll burn the most fat and calories. To count as cardio exercise minutes, you must do the activity for at least 10 minutes.
And the great thing about cardio is that you don't have to work out for an hour at a high intensity to get the benefits. Even just a few minutes of cardio can have health benefits. A 15-minute
walk outside can boost your mood and help lower blood pressure, so even a little goes a long way.

Benefits of Cardio Exercising

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Some of the health benefits of cardio include:
==> strengthen your heart

Cardio Exercises For Seniors

Deliberately Delaying the Effects of Aging

Deliberately Delaying the Effects of Aging is the major intention behind Exercises for Seniors. However, seniors need to watch their step before choosing the type of physical activity, considering their physical capabilities. Sure, workouts are to improve the health and wellness of everyone but as seniors advance in age, they develop certain cardiovascular risks, especially if they perform high intensity workouts.

How to choose your Cardio Exercise?

The intensity levels may vary senior to senior. It is important to consider all these possible risks before plotting a senior’s workout regime. Most doctors suggest the best aerobic workout gets seniors’ heart rate up for straight 30 minutes, even if they break each session as low as 10 minutes each day.

Here are a few best Cardio Exercises for Seniors

Low Impact Exercising

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One of the most important things to remember is that you don’t have to put your joints through maximum stress to develop a good level of cardiac fitness.

Brisk Walking

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Regular walks can be enough to improve your health and keep you fit. The health benefits of walking regularly are numerous.


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Swimming in the Ocean gives you a full body workout, improves circulation, and increases your immune system function


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Nature Based Activity of working in a Garden, growing and taking care of the plants, and keeping it attractive!

The trick is to think about what's accessible to you, what fits your personality and what you'd feel comfortable fitting into your life. If you like to go outdoors, running, cycling, or walking are all good choices.

Info about Healthy Aging

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Adopting healthy habits and behaviors, staying involved in your community, using preventive services, managing health conditions, and understanding all your medications can contribute to a productive and meaningful life.

💥 Take Care of Yourself

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Self-Care means taking the time to do things that help you live well and improve both your physical health and mental health

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The goal is to ensures short and long term vitality & health and to get a physical body that is strong, flexible and fit through each stage of our lifes.
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