Healthy Avocados
Avocados are Healthy Superfoods

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Avocados are one of the healthiest Super Foods available

Superfood Avocado

VIDEO: Here's the secret why everyone puts avocados on the fire!

Reasons why Avocado is considered a Superfood


Avocados have a lot of antioxidantsreinforcing our immune system.
In a shot: it makes us be healthier!

Other Nutrients

it owns a lot of nutrients and antioxidants, such as folic acid, Omega 3, magnesium, potassium, lutein and fiber. Avocado is rich in A, C, D, E, K vitamins and B Group vitamins too. And that’s not all as it owns an important presence of copper, manganese and iron.


Nutrients are just names, but there are important benefits to human organism related to those names:

Avocado is a greasy fruit, but most of grease is omega 3 type.
Such grease has proven benefits on cholesterol reduction and heart diseases prevention.

It helps to stimulate immune system thanks to the actuation of C and E vitamins.

It contributes to keep healthy skin by the action of E vitamin.
It favors healthy hair as it contains greases and E vitamin.

Eyes are protected thanks to the lutein that avocado contains.

They are rich in fiber, they help us maintain bowel regularity, which is related to toxin expelling in a natural way.

Avocado’s consumption is recommended to kids as the presence of folic acid helps bones and muscles growth.

Avocados are also good for elder people as lutein is effective in cataract prevention.

It protects teeth and gums by the intervention of D vitamin.

Vitamin D helps us keep strong bones.

As avocado contains folic acid, it is good for pregnant women.

It is considered that the joint of nutrients found on avocado can
help absorb other food’s nutrients.

Potassium contained on avocado contributes to maintain healthy muscles.

Greases and E vitamin help us reduce tissues inflammation.

Greases and vitamins are an effective method to delay signs of aging.

Avocado can be a part of well-balanced diet. In this case, some researches have pointed to the benefits to keep a healthy weight.

Magnesium is another nutrient that avocado includes, it is related to proper functioning of the nervous system.

It is rich in soluble fiber

It contains high quantities of healthy greases that help your heart to be healthy

It prevents stomach trouble

It can be eaten in very different ways, and it can be adding to different recipes: soups, juices, toast, salads, smoothies…

As it is greasy, avocado can be used instead of butter, ever when cooking.

Eating avocado is not the only way to take and advantage of its multiple benefits: flesh can be mashed and used as hair or facial mask.

It is easy to to understand why avocado is considered a superfood, so it is difficult to find a reason
for not including it in our diet!

Information about Superfoods

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Superfood are food that help us to ensures short and long term health and to get a physical body that is strong, flexible and fit through each stage of our lifes.

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The goal is to ensures short and long term vitality & health and to get a physical body that is strong, flexible and fit through each stage of our lifes.
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