🥥Healthy Coconuts🥥

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Every part of this wonder fruit offers a multitude of benefits – from the flesh of the tender coconut to raw coconut meat, from coconut water to coconut oil and coconut milk.

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This tropical fruit is symbolic of all things beautiful. Coconut trees conjure up images of sleek, svelte bodies, smooth skin, and people who are fit and active lounging around beaches. Every part of this wonder fruit offers a multitude of benefits – from the flesh of the tender coconut to raw coconut meat, from coconut water to coconut oil and coconut milk.

The benefits of the Coconut

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1) A balanced diet is extremely important for our immune system to function well. Coconuts are excellent for the immune system. They are antibacterial and anti parasitic. Indeed, the meat of coconuts are said to have healing properties, since they have antioxidants, and an anti-inflammatory impact on your body.

2) Coconuts are also fibre rich, which means it helps prevent indigestion and acid reflux, and is overall great for your tummy, for stabilizing bowel movements. Also, the rich fibre content keeps you filled up between meals, so you’re not feeling hungry too soon and are less likely to binge.

3) Eating raw coconut meat also reduces the amount of LDL (low density lipoprotein) or ‘bad’ cholesterol in your bloodstream, and fortifying your body against heart ailments and other cardiovascular diseases.

4) Coconuts have trace levels of manganese, which are ideal and for boosting weight loss and the body’s metabolism.

5) You can eat coconuts raw – the flesh of the tender coconut and the mature coconut are both replete in benefits – and you can also incorporate them into chutneys, curries and Poriyals (dry preparations of vegetables and grated coconuts).

6) Consuming coconut in raw form can help treat chronic throat infection, bronchitis, tapeworm and other infections caused by microbes. It is also loaded with
Vitamins C, E, B1, B3, B5, B6 and is also a rich source of iron, selenium, sodium, calcium and magnesium.

The Denefits of Coconut Water

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1) Coconut water contains crucial electrolytes that keep the body hydrated. Indeed, the water of the tender coconut is packed with electrolytes that are naturally found in the human body. So when you’re dehydrated or unwell and lose these electrolytes, it helps replenish them in the most natural way possible. 

2) It’s got a relatively low sodium count compared to other health drinks, so you don’t need to worry about blood pressure or other related ailments. 

3) Coconut water is also rich in several other nutrients – calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorous – each of which come with a multitude of benefits like bone health, cellular health and anti-aging properties. Coconut water is also good for oral hygiene as it helps in bone and teeth health.

4) It is isotonic to human blood plasma, and can be administered even through IV to rehydrate and rejuvenate. What’s more, it can be enjoyed by people across age groups and with varying health conditions, because of all these benefits. 

5) Coconut water contains Thiamine or Vitamin B1, which is essential for strong eyes and keeping glaucoma at bay. Just two cups a day is apt for your daily requirement of Vitamin B1. 

6) Coconut water is found to have many benefits towards mental health. Regular consumption of coconut water (one or more cups a day) fights depression, alleviates stress, boosts memory and cures insomnia.

7) Coconut water helps balance pH levels, has anti-tumor and anti-oxidant properties, and boosts immunity. It’s great to cure hangovers too!

The benefits of Coconut Oil

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1) A while ago, coconut oil had a really bad rep, since it was believed to be high in fat content. Recent research has revealed though, that it is high in saturated fatty acids, and is especially rich in lauric acid which only boosts ‘good’ cholesterol levels. In fact, this is especially good for women in their 50s, who are approaching menopause. And what’s more, it actually contains 2.6 percent fewer calories than other fats.

2) Coconut oil is fabulous
for strong supple muscles, since it is rich in medium chain trigycerides (MCT), which also boosts energy.

3) Coconut oil can help
boost memory, and prevent the onset of diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinsons and other memory-related diseases.

4) Eating foods that have been cooked in coconut oil eases the strain on the pancreas, the liver, and has been known to improve gallbladder health as well.

5) Coconut oil helps prevent and treat people with
urinary tract infection, since the natural antibiotics present can destroy the UTI bacteria.

Mouthwash: This oil (which trumps the other alternative – sesame), is good for oil pulling – the technique of swirling it in your mouth for a few minutes without swallowing, and then eventually spitting it out. Doing this eliminates all the bacteria in your mouth. 

7) As with any other good quality fatty acid, having coconut oil
keeps your joints lubricated, and so is an excellent source of treating arthritis and other joint-related problems.

8) If you’re not already on the coconut oil bandwagon, start with one spoonful of coconut oil everyday, and work your way up to 3-4 spoons slowly, which is the recommended daily amount. Also, try to opt for
cold-pressed extra virgin coconut oil whenever possible, to maximize all benefits.

The benefits of Coconut Milk

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1) Coconut milk is ideal for vegans, since it is not an animal byproduct, and is also a good idea for someone who has milk allergies and is lactose intolerant. It is a much more cost-effective vegan milk option, when compared to other alternatives like almond milk (especially if you’re allergic to nuts as well!)

2) Coconut milk has high amounts of Lauric acid {
can kill harmful pathogens, including bacteria, viruses and fungi.}This could potentially help to prevent infections for lower blood pressure and heart health. It is also good to keep stress levels low.

3) Coconut milk is a fabulous source of energy!
It has good calories, keeps you filled up, and drinking one glass a day gives you the benefits of coconut meat and coconut water!

4) Coconut milk is cooling to the system. So ulcers, inflammation and other stomach-related problems can be addressed by including coconut milk in your diet.
You can add it in your tea or coffee, use it in a dessert bowl, or even stir it into your favorite cocktail.

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