🍏 Info Apples 🍎
are the healthiest from an antioxidant standpoint

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Delicious apples are the healthiest from an antioxidant standpoint. The darker the color of the apple, the richer it'll be in antioxidants. Antioxidants help neutralize the free radicals in our bodies which, when imbalanced, can cause cell damage and lead to disease.
Crumble Smith

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Apples may lower your chance of developing cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Research says apples may also help you lose weight while improving your gut and brain health
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Apples are the most widely consumed fruit globally

What are the Benefits of Apples?

⭐Apples are Nutritious

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Apples are a good source of fiber and vitamin C. They also contain antioxidants, like vitamin E, and polyphenols, contributing to the fruit’s numerous health benefits.
Apples are considered nutrient-dense fruits, meaning they provide a lot of nutrients per serving.
The current Dietary Guidelines recommend 2 cups of fruit daily for a 2,000-calorie diet, emphasizing whole fruits like apples.
One medium 7-ounce (oz) or 200 grams (g) apple offers the following nutrients:

Calories: 104
Carbs: 28 g
Fiber: 5 g
Vitamin C: 10% of the Daily Value (DV)
Copper: 6% of the DV
Potassium: 5% of the DV
Vitamin K: 4% of the DV
The same serving also provides 2–5% of the DV for vitamins E, B1, and B6.

Apples are also a rich source of polyphenols, an important group of antioxidants. While nutrition labels don’t list these plant compounds, they’re likely responsible for many of apples’ health benefits.
To get the most out of apples, leave the skin on, as it contains half of the fiber and most of the polyphenols.

⭐Apples support Weight Loss

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Apples are particularly filling due to their high fiber and water content. Their polyphenols may also have anti-obesity effects.
In one studyTrusted Source, eating whole apples increased fullness more than consuming equal amounts of apple juice. This may happen because whole apples reduce gastric emptying — the rate at which your stomach empties.
ResearchTrusted Source also suggests apple intake may significantly reduce Body Mass Index (BMI), a weight-related risk factor for heart disease.
Interestingly, apple polyphenols may also haveTrusted Source anti-obesity effects.

⭐Apples are good for your Heart

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Apples promote heart health in several ways. They’re high in soluble fiber, which helps lower cholesterol. They also have polyphenols linked to lower blood pressure and chance of stroke.
Apples have been linked to a lower chance of heart disease. Research has found that eating 100-150 g/d of whole apples is associated with a lower chance of heart disease and risk factors such as high blood pressure.
One reason may be that they contain soluble fiber. This fiber is also associated with a lower chance of heart disease.
Another reason may be that they offer polyphenols. Some of these may help lower blood pressure. Studies have also linked high intakes of flavonoids with a lower chance of stroke.
Another study has also linked eating apples to a reduced chance of stroke

⭐Apples are Linked to a lower chance of Diabetes

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Eating apples is linked to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, potentially due to their polyphenol content.
A compilation of studies found that eating apples and pears was associated with an 18% reduction in type 2 diabetes risk. Just one serving per week may reduce the risk by 3%.
The high amount of the polyphenol quercetin in apples could explain this beneficial effect.

⭐Apples promote Gut Health

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The type of fiber found in apples improves your gut-friendly bacteria, which may be why the fruit is thought to help protect against chronic diseases.
Apples contain pectin, a type of fiber that acts as a prebiotic in your gut microbiome, and a healthy gut is often key to better health.
Since dietary fiber cannot be digested, pectin reaches your colon intact, promoting the growth of good bacteria. It especially improves the ratio of Bacteriodetes to Firmicutes, the two main types of bacteria in your gut.
New research suggests that, by beneficially altering your gut microbiota, apples may help protect against chronic diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

⭐Apples may help prevent Cancer

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Apple’s fiber and antioxidant content has been linked to a reduced chance of getting certain types of cancer.
Apples contain pectin, a type of fiber that acts as a prebiotic in your gut microbiome, and a healthy gut is often key to better health.
Since dietary fiber cannot be digested, pectin reaches your colon intact, promoting the growth of good bacteria. It especially improves the ratio of Bacteriodetes to Firmicutes, the two main types of bacteria in your gut.
New research suggests that, by beneficially altering your gut microbiota, apples may help protect against chronic diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

⭐Apples help fight Asthma

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Apples contain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that may help regulate immune responses and protect against asthma.
Antioxidants in apples may offer beneficial effects against certain types of cancers, including lung, breast, and digestive tract cancers.
Research suggests these effects may be attributed to apple polyphenols keeping cancerous cells from multiplying.
Moreover, one study in women reported that higher apple intakes were linked to a lower chance of cancer death.
However, further human research is needed to better understand the possible link between apples and cancer prevention — for example, to identify adequate amounts and eating timing.

⭐Apples help protect your Brain

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Quercetin in apples may protect your brain against oxidative stress.

⭐Apples may improve Mental Health

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Eating more vegetables and fruit like apples may help your mental health, according to one 2020 systematic reviewTrusted Source.
Eating more vegetables and fruit like apples may help your mental health, according to one 2020 systematic review.
That said, the study found this benefit kicks in if you eat at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables daily, consistent with the recommendations of the American Dietary Guidelines for daily fruit and vegetable intake.

Information about Superfoods

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Fruits are an excellent source of essential vitamins and minerals, and they are high in fiber. Fruits also provide a wide range of health-boosting antioxidants, including flavonoids.

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Superfood are food that help us to ensures short and long term health and to get a physical body that is strong, flexible and fit through each stage of our lifes.

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The goal is to ensures short and long term vitality & health and to get a physical body that is strong, flexible and fit through each stage of our lifes.
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