⭐ Healthy Onions ⭐
high in Vitamin C,, Iron absorption, powerful Antioxidant

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Onions are high in vitamin C, which may help regulate your immune health, collagen production, and iron absorption. It's also a powerful antioxidant that could help protect your cells from unstable, damaging molecules called free radicals. Onions are rich in B vitamins, including folate and vitamin B6.

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Healthy Onions

What are Onions?

Onions are vegetables that belong to the genus allium and are closely related to garlic, shallots, and leeks.
Onions are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber and are known to offer a variety of health benefits. They also add a flavor boost to any breakfast, lunch, or dinner dish.

Types of Onions

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You can choose from a variety of onions, including yellow, red, white, and green onions (also called scallions) and shallots.

Red Onions
All types of onions are good for you, but this dark reddish-purple variety, sometimes called purple onion, has especially high levels of quercetin and other helpful plant compounds known as flavonoids. Flavonoids give many fruits, vegetables, and flowers their colors.
Red onions have a mild, sweet taste and add color and flavor to many dishes. Use them raw as a crunchy addition to salads, sandwiches, and salsa.
Yellow Onions
Try cooking these strongly flavored yellow-brown onions to tame their sharp taste. Sautéing, roasting, grilling, or caramelizing them brings out their sweetness.
White Onions
White onions are milder than yellow onions. Dice them to use raw in guacamole and as a garnish for tacos, or slice them to use as a pizza topping.
Scallions/green Onions
These long, slender onions are often thinly sliced and used raw. Try them as a garnish for soups, baked potatoes, stir-fry, and other dishes to add a dash of color and a mild onion taste.

Evidence-based Health Benefits of Onions

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Antibacterial Action

Onions may kill a wide range of bacteria, according to some lab research. In one experiment, onion and garlic extracts slowed the growth of several microbes.

Digestive Health

Onions have fructooligosaccharides, substances that act as prebiotics (food for your gut's healthy bacteria), which can help with digestion. They pass through the small intestine and feed the healthy bacteria in the large intestine.
Diseases ranging from diabetes to colon cancer and depression have been tied to not having enough healthy gut bacteria.

Bone Health

Onions may play a role in preventing osteoporosis, a condition that weakens your bones. One study in people near or past menopause found that those who ate onions daily had greater bone density, resulting in stronger bones.

Diabetes Control

Both quercetin and organic sulfur compounds found in onions are known to boost insulin production, making them a helpful vegetable choice if you have Diabetes.

Lower risk of Heart disease and Stroke

Onions contain organic sulfur compounds, which give them their sharp, strong taste and smell. These compounds can help reduce the level of cholesterol in your body and may help break down blood clots, lowering your risk for Heart disease and Stroke.

Lower risk of Alzheimer's disease

One study found that a long-term diet high in flavonoids decreases the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Is it better to eat Onions raw or cooked?

You should eat onions raw rather than cooked to get the most sulfur compounds from them. Both quercetin and organic sulfur compounds found in onions are known to boost insulin production, making them a helpful vegetable choice if you have diabetes. These sulfur compounds may also block platelet-clot formation and promote the breakdown of blood clots, which helps to lower the risk for heart disease and stroke.

Disadvantages of Eating Raw Onions

Eating onions, especially raw onions, can have a few side effects, including:
Changes in body odor. When your body breaks down the sulfur compounds found in onions, they can react to sweat on your skin, creating what is generally considered to be an unpleasant body odor. And, of course, they can also cause bad breath.

Information about Superfoods

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Superfood are food that help us to ensures short and long term health and to get a physical body that is strong, flexible and fit through each stage of our lifes.

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